Protecting civilians in an urban conflict lessons learned from Australia’s deployment following the Timor Leste crisis 2006-2007

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Australian Civil Military Centre
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The protection of civilians in urban conflict environments is a dynamic of contemporary peacekeeping operations which has received far less attention than it deserves. Urban zones are fast becoming the new territories of conflict and violence and this, what has been termed, the “new military urbanism”, is recognised within contemporary military doctrine1 as a defining feature of modern warfare and armed conflict. However, inadequate consideration of the implications of urban epicentres of conflict on the protection of civilians has been given in the context of peacekeeping operations. The specific characteristics and dynamics of violence generated by an urban environment create unique challenges for the protection of civilians and have considerable implications for how peacekeepers implement protection of civilian mandates.
Timor Leste, Protection of Civilians, Australian Defence Force, Australian Federal Police
Protecting Civilians in an Urban Conflict Lessons Learned from Australia’s Deployment Following the Timor Leste Crisis 2006-2007, 2014, pp. ? - ? (28)