Careers in Cities: Improving Lives, Improving Communities

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Academy of Management
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In this symposium, we present four examples of ways in which an exploration of interactions between careers and cities can enhance our understanding of both individual and institutional dynamics relevant to work and wellbeing. Setor, Joseph, and Chan present an empirical study which illustrates a technique for distinguishing career patterns, their differing prevalence in city and rural contexts, and the effect of these differences on career outcomes. Gill presents results of a longitudinal study of the emergence of a new innovation ecosystem, reflecting on tensions between economic priorities and acknowledgement of local place, culture, and identity in supporting entrepreneurs. Feltner, Pandzich, and Mitra explore ways in which entrepreneurs and a broader entrepreneurial ecosystem can contribute to individual and community wellbeing and urban renewal. Zikic and Voloshyna apply intelligent career theory to the transition faced by migrants as accumulated career capital is disrupted, and ways in which new host cities influence career reestablishment.
Careers, Cities, Urban policy-making, Sustainable careers
Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018, 2018 (1)