Interventions for managing workplace bullying

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The New Zealand Psychological Society
Workplace bullying has received much attention in organisational behaviour and human resource management research over the past 20+ years. Considerable research has been conducted on the causes of bullying and its outcomes, although there has been relatively little empirical evaluation of strategies for dealing with workplace bullying. Some investigations have focused on personal coping strategies, but generally these have been found to be ineffective in reducing bullying experiences. Recently attention has been given to organisational initiatives or efforts to address bullying problems. Several practice-oriented books and articles have focused on what organisations can, and should, do to reduce bullying and alleviate its negative consequences. This presentation will focus on practical efforts that managers, who have major responsiblity for addressing this problem, can engage in. The main thrust of the presentation is that constructive leadership and the development of a collegial climate at work are essential prerequisites for handling workplace bullying. Specific initiatives, such as policy development, communication, developing complaints procedures, and setting up transparent behavioural contingencies, will be discussed in detail.
2013, pp. 33 - 33 (1)