Building Urban Resilience for Coastal Urban Communities: The Surprise of Tsunamis with Consideration of Human Factors

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Frequent and intense multi-hazard events are occurring more frequently, making it crucial to prepare in advance and build resilience. Tsunamis, which are massive waves triggered by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions, are particularly devastating and pose significant risks to coastal areas and human life. Therefore, it is essential to be well-prepared for such events. Once the appropriate response to tsunamis is determined, it becomes important to anticipate different scenarios and take proactive measures. The study of evacuation process resilience is considered vital for effective disaster management, with current research and practice placing significant emphasis on the use of simulation models to evaluate tsunami responses. This chapter focuses on the development of an evacuation simulation tool known as MSEM (Micro-Simulation Evacuation Model), which aims to assess the resilience of the evacuation process by considering different evacuation scenarios in the case of tsunami risk. The tool provides insights into long-term planning and suggests improvements for infrastructure and land use. By analysing the simulation outputs, such as survival rates, indicating the number of people who would be safe when the tsunami reaches the shore, the tool helps identify the resiliency level of a city in the face of tsunamis. Napier City, New Zealand, which is vulnerable to various natural hazards, including liquefaction, earthquakes, flooding, volcanoes, and tsunamis, has been chosen as the case study. Based on the city's spatial characteristics and built environment, recommendations are made regarding land use planning and infrastructure upgrades to boost the resiliency level. MSEM can assist decision-makers underscore the need to enhance the transportation system to accommodate mass evacuations effectively. Additionally, it emphasises the importance of educating individuals on the optimal course of action to take during such situations.
Fathianpour A, Jelodar MB, Evans B, Wilkinson S. (2024). Building urban resilience for coastal urban communities: The surprise of tsunamis with consideration of human factors. Toivonen S, Heinonen S, Verma I, Castaño-Rosa R, Wilkinson S. Real Estate and Sustainable Crisis Management in Urban Environments: Challenges and solutions for resilient cities. (pp. 176-195). London, United Kingdom. Routledge.