Power and multistakeholderism in internet global governance. Towards a synergetic theoretical framework

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Massey University. Department of Management and International Business
With the advancement of multistakeholder collaboration as a governance principle in theglobal Internet Governance, how to investigate the political process in a ‘shared power’environment emerges as a challenging methodological issue. In this paper, a synergetic theoretical approach is proposed to the study of Internet governance political process, which focuses on the concept of power, and crosses the boundaries of three academic fields, namely, Political Philosophy, Political Science and International Relations, and Organization Studies. This approach aggregates, in a descending analytical manner, concepts intrinsically linked to the contemporary shifting governance paradigm (i.e. governmentality, global governance, global public-policy networks, shared power, multistakeholder collaboration). In addition, such an approach brings the collaborative process into focus (rather than the decisions it leads to) by accentuating the productive potential of a collaboration based on the ‘shared power’ formula. Each of those theoretical reflections on shifting power relations provides building elements for a synergetic theoretical framework that can be, and has been, applied to the investigation of the emergent Internet governance regime. As a result, stakeholder alliances can be mapped, instances of power dynamics can be discerned, and some longitudinal tangible and intangible outcomes of the multistakeholder collaboration can be envisioned.
Internet Governance, Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration, Power Dynamics, Synergetic Theoretical Framework
Antonova, S. (2007). Power and multistakeholderism in internet global governance. Towards a synergetic theoretical framework. (Department of Management and International Business Research Working Paper Series 2007, no. 10). Auckland, NZ: Massey University. Department of Management and International Business.