speaker.motion: A mechatronic loudspeaker system for live spatialisation

dc.contributor.authorJohnson BD
dc.contributor.authorKapur A
dc.contributor.authorNorris M
dc.coverage.spatialBrisbane, Australia
dc.description.abstractThis paper provides an overview of a new mechatronic loudspeaker system: speaker.motion. The system affords automated positioning of a loudspeaker in real-time in order to manipulate the spatial qualities of electronic music. The paper gives a technical overview of how the system’s hardware and software were developed and the design criteria and methodology. There is discussion of the unique features of the speaker.motion spatialisation system and the methods of user interaction, as well as a look at the creative possibilities that the loudspeakers afford. The creative affordances are explored through the case study of two new pieces written for the speaker.motion system. It is hoped that the speaker.motion system will afford composers and performers with a new range of spatial aesthetics to use in spatial performances, and encourage exploration of the acoustic properties of physical performance and installation spaces in electronic music.
dc.format.extent41 - 45
dc.identifier.citationProceedings of the international conference on new interfaces for musical expression, pp. 41 - 45
dc.relation.isPartOfProceedings of the international conference on new interfaces for musical expression
dc.rightsLicensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Copyright remains with the author(s).
dc.sourceNew Interfaces For Musical Expression
dc.subjectLive Electronics
dc.subjectInterface Design
dc.subjectMusical Mechatronics
dc.titlespeaker.motion: A mechatronic loudspeaker system for live spatialisation
pubs.notesNot known
pubs.organisational-group/Massey University
pubs.organisational-group/Massey University/College of Creative Arts
pubs.organisational-group/Massey University/College of Creative Arts/PVC's Office - College of Creative Arts
pubs.organisational-group/Massey University/College of Creative Arts/PVC's Office - College of Creative Arts/Other CoCA Staff
pubs.organisational-group/Massey University/College of Creative Arts/School of Music and Creative Media Production
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