Pacific and Pasifika Theses
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The theses listed in this collection were all completed at Massey University in a range of different departments and institutes. They have been included in this collection if the topic is strongly related to Pasifika/the Pacific.
Recent Submissions
- ItemAn explorative study on Pasifika students' wellbeing, experiences with feedback, coping, and protective factors at universities in Aotearoa New Zealand : a dissertation presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Clinical Psychology at Massey University, Manawatū, New Zealand(Massey University, 2025) Hussain, ShabeenaThere is a drive in clinical psychology towards increased awareness that mental wellbeing is important for achievement of sustainable mental health. This study focuses on the cultural perspectives of wellbeing, specifically Pasifika psychology. It does so by investigating the link between Pasifika wellbeing and feedback at universities in Aotearoa New Zealand. Using the Kakala Research Framework, this study privileged the voices of Pasifika students by asking them about the impact of feedback on their wellbeing at universities in Aotearoa New Zealand. Participants’ stories revealed the impact of feedback across relational, cognitive, affective, and behavioural domains of Pasifika wellbeing. In addition, participants identified coping strategies (e.g., avoidance, psychological disengagement, and feedback-seeking) and protective factors (e.g., Pasifika identities) when navigating feedback at universities in Aotearoa New Zealand. This study recommends Pasifika cultural consideration in the feedback process and proposes the utilisation of a feedback model specifically designed for Pasifika students at universities in Aotearoa New Zealand.
- ItemSia Tō’onga Mo’ui study : New Zealand Pacific lifestyle programme : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health at Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand(Massey University, 2024-11-21) Faeamani, GavinObjective and Rationale: Pacific peoples in Aotearoa New Zealand (NZ) have the highest rates of type 2 diabetes (T2DM) compared to other population groups (1). There is a paucity in the design and implementation of culturally tailored approaches in New Zealand focused on targeting major long-term conditions and particularly in reducing the T2DM epidemic among high-risk population groups. This doctoral study investigates a culturally tailored approach focused on reducing the risk of developing T2DM. The objective of this study was to implement a culturally relevant lifestyle change programme by adapting the efficacious Diabetes Prevention Programme (DPP) for use specifically amongst Tongans living in New Zealand. It also seeks to explore and understand the uptake and acceptability of the adapted prevention programme, including identifying the enablers and barriers of the programme in reducing the progression of prediabetes to T2DM in Tongan adults, aged 18-74 years old. Methods: The Sia Tō’onga Mo’ui Diabetes Prevention Programme (STM-DPP) uses a mixed-method approach and includes three phases. Phase 1: uses a citizen’s panel approach, composed of three panel groups made up of community members, (ii) health experts, and (iii) representatives from the first two panels to adapt the Pacific Island Diabetes Prevention Programme (PI-DPP). Phase 2 involves the implementation of the newly adapted, now known as the STM-DPP, by improving diet via weekly Zoom sessions and doing 150 minutes of physical activity every week, aiming to reduce 5% or more of total body weight. Data on clinical markers at baseline and post-programme were collected and analysed to determine the impact of the STM-DPP. Phase 3 included an evaluation of the STM-DPP using focus groups aimed at examining successful processes, benefits, practical applications, behavioural, cultural, and motivational drivers of change. Setting: The study was conducted in Auckland, NZ. Focus group discussions on Zoom were employed due to the restrictions of COVID-19 at the time and associated lockdowns that restricted any face-to-face or in-person meetings. The PI-DPP modules were also being presented weekly on Zoom, with exercise sessions held at the two study site venues. Results: The citizen panels guided the adaptation of the PI-DPP to reflect the Tongan culture and way of life; duration of the programme; consolidate and adapt the contents of the modules; appropriateness of programme delivery and approach; and incentives for participants. The implementation of the STM-DPP included 41 Tongan participants (males = 25, females = 16), of whom 95.2% had BMI≥30.0 and 75.6% had a Prediabetes Risk Test (PRT) score of baseline PRT≥5, indicating a high risk. At the conclusion of the intervention, post-programme data revealed significant changes across all areas for participants in weight, waist-to-height ratio, physical activity capability, and blood pressure. The evaluation of the STM-DPP also reports that the program’s feasibility and acceptability among the Tongan communities were positive, which explained the high uptake of the programme. Conclusions: These results provide evidence-based research affirming that the culturally adapted T2DM prevention programme, STM-DPP, is feasible and acceptable amongst Tongans in NZ. The positive impact of the prevention programme among the Tongan population in Auckland could be made available and adapted to other Pacific populations across NZ.
- ItemThe contribution of kumala to traditional food systems in two districts of Tanna Island, and its potential for increasing food security : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Horticulture and Ethnobotany at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand(Massey University, 2024) Nasse, AmandaSweetpotato (Ipomea batatas) is considered a versatile food crop owing to its robust adaptability to diverse soil conditions and environmental conditions. In Vanuatu sweetpotato is a significant food security crop that smallholder farmers cultivated within traditional cropping system. Within the national and local context, sweetpotato has played a significant role as recovery crop that supports the farmers and increasing urban population buffer against food scarcity during the aftermath of natural disasters. The research reported in this thesis examined and explored how kumala (sweetpotato) contributed to smallholder farmers livelihood and enhanced food and nutrition security. The aim of the study was to understand the significant role of kumala within the traditional food system and draws on smallholder farmers perspectives. Storian is the overarching cultural approach that underpinned the research process in this study, supported with the use of qualitative methods of collecting data these included, semi structure interviews, secondary data, and field observation. Subsequently the data collected through the interviews and storian were analysed using qualitative data analysis. The research study was carried out in Tanna Island, a society with stronghold of traditions and cultural activities that are interwoven in the livelihood of smallholder farmers influencing the farmers perception on the production of kumala. This research highlights kumala is a favoured food security and recovery crop featured as response to recovery program. Kumala has a role in the traditional food system which is enhanced by existing social and cultural ties. The study put forward a critical perspective on leveraging on short term resilient crops that emerge through strengthening and revitalize the role of kumala within the local food system can strengthen household resilience and enhance food security for smallholder farmers.
- ItemExploring the role of Samoan youth in ‘Tausi Matua’ in Aotearoa New Zealand : a contribution to culturally-diverse elder care practises : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Health Science in Psychology at Massey University, Albany campus, New Zealand(Massey University, 2024) Leau, KotaloElders are held in high esteem and hold many roles in Samoan society. They are guardians of faasamoa [the Samoan way], way finders and prayer warriors for their family, village, and wider community. Youth in turn reciprocate values of faasamoa as they Tausi matua [care for elders]. Today Samoan youth living in the diaspora continue to Tausi matua despite challenges which stem from being away from their homelands. In doing so they resiliently bridge the divides between their elders and the Western world, focussed on finding the best care for their elders. This study is part of a wider project funded by the Health Research Council of New Zealand (HRC) entitled ‘Caring for our Pacific Wisdom Bearers,’ and focuses specifically on Samoan youth carers’ experiences of caring for elders. It contributes to the paucity of research exploring relationships between youth and elders, particularly the experiences of youth caring for elders while living as diaspora. Fa’afaletui [a Samoan metaphorical way of searching for wisdom] was undertaken with youth from two Samoan church congregations and revealed Samoan youth caregiving is grounded in faasamoa, which is enacted as Tausi matua. This is a cultural practice and way of being born out of their faasinomaga [essence of identity] with the belief that this results in faamanuiga [blessings] from elders that the youth can never repay. The results revealed Samoan youth as intergenerational carers, highlighting the Samoan proverb: E sui faiga ae tumau faavae [Practises may change, but the foundations remain]. Challenging the perpetuated narratives of elders as “burdens” and youth as absent in care, this research adds to a gap in literature from a youth carer and Pacific diasporic experience. Elders from the Samoan worldview are centred as Wisdom Bearers: beacons of traditional knowledge, care, and love and Samoan youth are present and active in the aiga [family] cycle of care that evolves seia i’u lau tausiga [until your duty of care is fulfilled].
- ItemTongan indigenous approaches in the prevention and restoration of family violence : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology at Massey University, Albany, New Zealand(Massey University, 2023) Havea (née Taufa), SesimaniSubstantive literature exists on intimate partner violence and the efficacy of various response programmes. There is only limited knowledge of Pacific-indigenous understandings of and responses to violence within the kainga (families). This thesis explores aspects of the inaugural application of the Tongan conceptual framework of Fofola e fala ka e talanoa e kainga (laying out the mat so families can dialogue) as part of the faith-based Kainga Tu’umalie (prosperous families) family violence intervention and prevention programme in Aotearoa New Zealand. The programme is centred around weekend retreats involving Tongan households experiencing family violence. I was culturally immersed in observing, actively engaging in, and evaluating this programme during the retreats that involved 49 Tongan church kainga (families). Additionally, formal talanoa (a Pacific-indigenous way of engaging families in research) were conducted post retreat with seven faith-based community leaders to draw out their depth of cultural knowledge and how it was applied to the development and conduct of the programme. As well as drawing on the evaluative materials, talanoa were conducted with three participating families to further consider their experiences of the programme. Overall, this study found that Tongan indigenous cultural ways infused with faith-based values can be effective, transformational, and restorative for individuals and families experiencing violence. Core findings are encapsulated by three intersecting Tongan-Indigenous cultural concepts of: Ko e makatu’unga mo’ui mo e malohi (a powerful and living platform); Koe kolo malu mo e hufanga (a place of safety & refuge), and Fa’utaha (unity/harmony/peace). These concepts not only represent the interweaving of Christian faith and Tongan indigenous knowledge as symbolised by the Fofola e fala (laying out the mat) framework, but also inform our shared understanding of the intent and impacts of the Kainga Tu’umalie programme. These concepts also enlighten my analysis of the positive impacts of the programme on participating families’ and their commitments to engaging in efforts to transform their everyday interactions to create more harmonious relationships within which they can thrive together. Participant accounts foreground the importance and potential of working with key faith-based and cultural values to address patterns of violence collectively within Tongan kainga (families), and with support from wider community members. This research also speaks to the significance of leveraging collaborative partnerships between community-based agencies and faith-based communities in addressing social issues.
- ItemExploring the unique Brown Buttabean Motivation’s (BBM) approach to obesity intervention and prevention in South Auckland : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Psychology at Massey University, Albany, New Zealand(Massey University, 2024) Finau, Gloria KatokakalaThis research explores the impact of a South Auckland community-led health innovation From the Couch (FTC) programme developed by Buttabean Motivation (BBM) for Pacific people living with obesity. It examines the unique ways in which BBM engages, motivates and connects with underserved Pacific people living with obesity in South Auckland. Pacific peoples residing in South Auckland experience economic and societal challenges directly affecting access to health-related essential services, resources and opportunities. As marginalised communities, these disparities persist particularly in comparison to the broader New Zealand population. Talanoa with three groups of FTC participants was used for data collection, a Pacific method suitable for working with Māori and Pacific participants. Reflexive thematic analysis was then used for data analysis coupled with Fa’afaletui-dialectical analysis, a Pacific cultural analysis that ensures a culturally safe and relevant research process. The results highlighted the success of BBM FTC, which stemmed from embodying Pacific values in their approach including family, collectivism, social connection, reciprocity and respect. Four overarching themes were discovered: ‘A space visible and invisible’; ‘Impact of improved overall wellbeing’; ‘Family by blood and by choice’ and ‘Utilising cultural knowledge’. These themes showcase the prioritisation of Pacific ways of knowing, being, and doing that are exemplified inherently through the BBM programme. This approach allows participants to engage and feel reassured in a space that supports their lived experience. It is a model for success that other lifestyle intervention programmes can learn from for effective Pacific community-led engagement.
- ItemKūkū : a re-imagined fangufangu developed through a Kakala Design Framework : a thesis is presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of : Doctor of Philosophy in Design, Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa, Ngā Pae Mahutonga, Pōneke, Aotearoa | Massey University, School of Design, Wellington, New Zealand. EMBARGOED until 19 December 2025.(Massey University, 2024-09-23) Kaulamatoa, RachaelThe fangufangu (nose flute) is a Tongan musical instrument that traces back hundreds of years. Each fangufangu possesses unique physical characteristics, contributing to its distinct sound. Highlighting its historical and cultural significance, one customary use was awakening nobility from slumber. Although rare today, practices of making and performing the fangufangu have been revitalized by Tongan communities in recent years. However, there is limited research on the fangufangu, particularly from a Tongan perspective. This practice-led creative research develops and applies a Kakala Design Framework to holistically and collaboratively explore possibilities of the fangufangu for modern musicians of the Tongan diaspora. The culmination of this research is embodied in Kūkū, a re-imagined fangufangu that enhances specific musical, tangible and visual aesthetics by harmoniously weaving notions of past, present and future. Through an analogue design approach, primary elements of form and material contribute towards enhancing instrument playability and sonic versatility to accommodate use across diverse musical environments and playing styles. Guided by an Indigenised industrial design process predicated on Tongan world-views and values, this exegesis reflects on the collaborative development of Kūkū with Tongan fangufangu practitioners.
- ItemPacific media’s portrayal of type two diabetes : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Health Psychology, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand(Massey University, 2024) Eden, ChelseaPacific countries experience the highest rates of type two diabetes (T2D) in the world. Type two diabetes is a chronic health condition, resulting from the bodies inability to regulate insulin, and when left untreated can result in serious health consequences. Diabetes is the nineth leading cause of death worldwide, and T2D is the most prevalent, accounting for 90% of diabetes cases. Little is known about how media frames T2D across New Zealand and the Pacific. This study used reflexive thematic analysis to examine Pacific print media, to identify the messages about T2D. Specifically, it looked into how T2D is described and portrayed, and the causes, effects, and solutions that are reported across the articles. The study analysed 103 online Pacific print media articles. Key themes were: the description of what T2D is, and the causes, effects and solutions of T2D. New Zealand articles tended to present a broader perspective, considering wider factors such as globalisation, neoliberalism and determinants of health, and the differing impact this has on populations. Contrastingly, the majority of articles originating in the Pacific, focussed on a specific aspect of T2D, such as a specific, cause, effect or solution. Articles varied in framing of T2D, its impacts, and explanations regarding its causes and effects. These framings included T2D being presented as a life-long condition, a treatable illness, a disease, and a lifestyle issue. However, the articles tended to lack depth of discussion, such as framing healthy eating as a solution and cure but not unpacking what this means. Western, neoliberal ideology dominated the media articles with no articles covering Pacific models of health. Many of the causes of T2D and its more serious consequences were attributed to the individual’s choices and globalisation. The effects across articles were often presented as dire and extreme, with articles generally focused on one effect (such as amputation). Solutions across articles again very much focused on what the individual should do, with articles focused on a single solution with little justification or alternative provided. There were few articles examining sustainable and value aligning changes that could be made to reduce the incidence of T2D and its consequences. Overall, the media portrayed T2D as a serious noncommunicable disease that is a burden on society with Pacific people positioned at risk.
- ItemUnderstanding the work of Community Public Health Nurses in Fiji and the challenges they face : a thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing, Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand(Massey University, 2024-09-09) Kumar, KishanAim: To investigate the type of work (interventions) undertaken by community public health nurses (CPHNs) in Fiji to determine if there has been a shift from a broader health promotion and primary disease prevention focus to a narrower focus on providing direct patient care. Methods: The study used a mixed methods explanatory sequential research design, which included two phases. The first phase was a survey of 458 CPHNs working in Fiji. The survey examined the social, demographic and geographical characteristics of CPHNs (urban/peri urban, rural, rural remote/maritime), along with the interventions they performed (72 in total) covering direct patient care and health promotion and primary prevention at individual, community and system-population based levels. Additionally, it assessed the knowledge and clinical preparation of CPHNs for their current roles. Quantitative analysis techniques used were descriptive statistics, chi-square, Fisher’s exact and Cramer’s V tests. The second phase comprised in-depth interviews with ten CPHNs to determine the ways they undertook interventions; changes to their role within the past ten years; perspectives on the reasons for any change/s, and the challenges that can be encountered when undertaking daily tasks. Thematic analysis was used to analyse interviews. Results: Phase 1: quantitative findings showed CPHNs undertook diverse interventions with geographical practice location often associated with the frequency of interventions. All CPHNs, irrespective of geographical practice location, performed direct patient care more than expected on a daily and weekly basis and less than expected on a quarterly basis. All CPHNs performed health promotion and primary prevention less than expected on a daily and weekly basis and more so on a quarterly basis. Phase 2: the qualitative findings revealed that CPHNs in rural and remote rural/maritime areas engaged in health promotion and primary prevention through coalition building and community organising due to isolation and physical environment. Nurses in urban/peri urban settings engaged in direct patient care interventions such as immunisation, management of NCD complications and home-based care. CPHNs reported that in the past decade there had been a shift from health promotion and primary prevention to direct patient care and attributed this to expanded roles and growing workloads, an increased focus on community-based healthcare, an increase in population size and service demands. Conclusion: CPHNs in Fiji have experienced a shift in their role from a broader focus on health promotion and primary disease prevention to a narrower focus on providing increasingly more direct patient care.
- ItemKia rauka I te tūranga memeitaki no te iti tangata ānuanua o te Kuki Airani = Towards attaining holistic wellbeing for the Rainbow community of the Cook Islands : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master in International Development, Massey University, New Zealand(Massey University, 2024) Wichman, Valentino (Valery) Tefa'atauKia Orana and welcome to this scholarly exploration of Tūranga Memeitaki, or Wellbeing, within the Ānuanua, or Rainbow, Community of the Cook Islands, guided by the principles of Akapapa’anga (genealogies) and Kai Vānanga (elevated conversations). This thesis is a deliberate endeavor to shed light on the experiences of a unique and often marginalized community. It aims to address the question of what is Tūranga Memeitaki for the Ānuanua community? Grounded in the Akapapa'anga methodology, which delves into the intricate web of relationships and connections among individuals and groups, this research employs Māori genealogical analysis to unearth the nuanced dimensions of Tūranga Memeitaki within the Ānuanua community. By drawing upon family trees, oral traditions, historical records, and diverse information sources, this approach offers a comprehensive understanding of the community's wellbeing dynamics. To navigate the sensitive nature of discussions and the subject matter concerning the Ānuanua community, a novel method known as Kai Vānanga Vatavata has been developed. Inspired by other Pacific approaches, this method has been customized to accommodate the specific needs and concerns of marginalized communities, ensuring respectful and culturally appropriate data collection and interpretation. Throughout the enquiry, the Kai Vānanga Vatavata method has undergone continuous refinement to optimize its efficacy in capturing the diverse perspectives and experiences within the Ānuanua community. Given the distinct challenges faced by LGBTQ+ communities worldwide, a nuanced understanding of Tūranga Memeitaki for the Ānuanua community holds significant implications for addressing these challenges effectively. The research methodology incorporated interviews, focus groups, and literature analysis to explore the multifaceted dimensions of wellbeing and its impact on holistic human experience. By engaging directly with members of the Ānuanua community, this study aims to amplify their voices, illuminate their narratives, and contribute to the development of tailored policy solutions and research recommendations aimed at enhancing their overall wellbeing. The principal outcomes derived from the Kai Vānanga Vatavata highlight the imperative of conducting research that is culturally relevant and led by Ānuanua for Ānuanua. It underscores the urgency of ceasing the compartmentalization or 'othering' of the Ānuanua community, recognizing resilience and beyond both within this community and more broadly, and transitioning from a focus on wellbeing to an emphasis on wholebeing.