Development needs of people with physical disabilities in Lebanon : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy in Development Studies at Massey University

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Massey University
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This thesis is concerned with people who are physically disabled and are living in Lebanon. The discussion focuses on what development has occurred for these people, how their households manage their lives within their local and national environment, what their needs are, and which service providers are attempting to address these needs. The national environment in which these people live and the situation of disabled people in developing countries is also considered. The thesis question asks if the service providers are meeting the development needs of the people with physical disabilities. The needs of the disabled people fall into two broad categories: practical and social. The Lebanese state is not active in addressing these needs and this role falls to the non-governmental organisations. It is shown that the non-governmental organisation services are in some way meeting the development needs of the people with physical disabilities. But both the non-governmental organisations and the people with physical disabilities identify weaknesses in the non-governmental organisation service provision. The physically disabled people experience improvements in their quality of life through their own efforts or with the support of the non-governmental organisations and/or their families.
Lebanon, People with disabilities -- Services for