James Joyce, Chamber music : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in English at Massey University

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Massey University
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This thesis originated in dissatisfaction with William York Tindall's treatment of Chamber Music, in his 1954 edition of the poems. When I began my research on the topic, I found that, not only in interpretation, but in technical matters of dating, arrangement and textual data, and in biographical matters such as Joyce's attitude to the poems, there was ample scope for a new edition. Hence the structure of this thesis. The Introductory Essay is divided into ten numbered sections, but they group themselves into four broad categories: composition and publishing history; the criticism; the evidence of biography; and my own interpretation. I decided to include the individual analyses of each poem (the Notes on the Poems) because Chamber Music criticism has been characterised by glib generalisations and lack of close, specific investigation of all of the thirty-six poems. Tindall's "Notes to the Poems" did not fill this gap. Throughout this thesis, I have made much use of a few books, frequent references to which have necessitated some form of abbreviation, in the text and in the Notes to the Text. References to "Tindall" signify Tindall's edition of Chamber Music (New York, 1954). Where other books or articles by Tindall are noted, full titles are given. The Letters of James Joyce, one volume edited by Gilbert in 1957, the other two edited by Ellmann in 1966, are referred to by volume number (Letters, I; Letters, II; Letters, III). Ellmann's biography James Joyce (New York, 1959) is described as "Ellmann"; Gorman's James Joyce (New York, 1948) as "Gorman." "Dublin Diary" refers to George Harris Healey (ed.), The Dublin Diary of Stanislaus Joyce (London, 1962). The other two works written by Stanislaus Joyce and quoted herein are noted by their titles, Recollections (New York, 1950), and My Brother's Keeper (London, 1958). "Slocum and Cahoon" refers to John J. Slocum and Herbert Cahoon, A Bibliography of James Joyce 1882-1941 (London, 1953). [From Preface]
Joyce, James 1882-1941