Performance appraisal : the policy capturing of sergeants in the New Zealand police service: a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Psychology at Massey University

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Massey University
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This study investigated the policy of sergeants for combining and weighting performance appraisal information about constables. The experiment was conducted in several steps. In the first step constables and sergeants were interviewed about performance dimensions that were necessary for the job of constable. Twenty six constable performance dimensions were identified. Sergeants then rated between eight and ten of their constables on each of the 26 performance dimensions. Factor analysis was used to identify the sergeants underlying performance weighting structure. Eight factors were identified that explained 79% of the total variance. In Step Three behavioural examples of constable performance for each of the eight factors were generated. In Step Four sergeants assigned grades to 60 hypothetical constable protocols which were made up of the statements generated in Step Three. Sergeants also estimated how much weight they felt they assigned each of the eight factors when rating the protocols. A multiple regression equation was computed for each sergeant. Sergeants were found to use four to five factors when assessing constable performance with one factor contributing over half the variance. They were not consistent as a group when rating constables, in terms of the factors they used and their corresponding weights. They also had little insight into their rating policies. Implications of the results for the police's current performance appraisal system are discussed.
Rating New Zealand Police