Exploring the New Zealand Child and Youth Profile as a collaborative tool to support educational planning for children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts (Education), Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand
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Massey University
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Research indicates that students with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) are at
increased risk of poor academic performance, however, educational planning for
these students is difficult due to the complex nature of their educational profile. In
order to improve educational outcomes, tools are required to support improved
understanding of the student’s profile along with enhancing a cross-disciplinary
approach to educational planning. This study sought to investigate the use of the
New Zealand Child and Youth Profile (NZCYP), a biopsychosocial framework
designed to collect key information about a student from multiple perspectives, in
order to facilitate cross-disciplinary educational collaboration and planning. A
qualitative design was employed to explore the perceptions of two teams of
participants using the NZCYP to support a student with FASD. Findings indicated
several factors hindered the completion and application of the NZCYP (or Toolkit),
which had a considerable impact on the teams’ perceptions of the NZCYP. Overall,
the teams perceived the NZCYP’s ability to help improve understanding of the
student’s profile, to support teacher/classroom practice and planning, and to enhance
collaborative practice was limited. This study highlighted the importance of
providing tools which are easily understood, incorporate culturally relevant
information and multiple perspectives, and provide suitable training to enable teams
to utilise the information in a cross-disciplinary manner.
Figures re-used with permission.
Learning disabled children, Education, New Zealand, Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, New Zealand Child and Youth Profile