Social circumplex traits and organisational behaviour : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Psychology at Massey University, Manawatū, New Zealand

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Drawing upon arguments for the interactions between Five Factor Model (FFM) traits in predicting organisational behaviours, this study examined the relationships between the Extraversion-Agreeableness Abridged Big Five Circumplex (AB5C) traits and organisational behaviours (Counter Productive Workplace Behaviours, CWBs, and Organisational Citizenship Behaviours, OCBs). The AB5C circumplex measures Extraversion and Agreeableness as well as two positive blends and two negative blends of each trait. In a sample of 220 adults in full-time employment, a series of correlation, regression, and mediation analyses indicated a double dissociation between traits and criterion. Positive blends of Extraversion and Agreeableness were not only correlated with OCBs, but also non-significantly related to CWBs. Conversely, the concurrent positive and negative blends were correlated with CWBs, but unrelated to OCBs. Furthermore, the circumplex traits contributed incremental variance over traits in isolation in predicting OCBs and CWBs. Understanding the unique circumplex blends of the FFM traits offers opportunities to enhance the criterion validity of FFM measures. Whilst still fitting into the FFM, these circumplex traits offer a more nuanced understanding of the relationship between social personality traits and organisational behaviour. Collectively, these discoveries show the circumplex traits express unique information not described by FFM traits in isolation, leading to an improved understanding of the temperamental nature of helping and hurting behaviours in organisations.