Comparison of Three Salivary Collection methods to Assess Physiological Markers

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Rutherfurd-Markwick K
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Background: To compare three saliva collection methods for examining salivary biomarkers in males and females at rest and exercise. Methods: Whole saliva was collected using drool method (unstimulated, UWS), mastication (stimulated, SWS) or using cotton-buds placed around the mouth (unstimulated, Bud) from 8males and 12females. Samples were analysed for flow rate, osmolality, sodium, potassium, chloride, secretory salivary immunoglobulin A (SIgA), α-amylase activity and cortisol during both rest and exercise in a randomised crossover design. Results: SWS and Bud methods were consistently more reliable than UWS, and Bud had the greatest reliability across all measures. Significant variations between all methods existed for total osmolality, sodium and SIgA concentrations; between UWS and SWS methods for flow rate and α-amylase activity, and between UWS and Bud methods for potassium. SWS most consistently replicated UWS patterns of analyte responses to exercise for both males and females and showed good agreement with UWS for cortisol. Both SWS and Bud data reflected the inverse α-amylase/cortisol relationship seen in UWS. Conclusion: SWS was better able to replicate results measured from UWS, between rest and exercise and between males and females. SWS and Bud methods can be used to inform comparisons between rest and exercise and males and females.
Journal of Food Nutrition and Metabolism, 2020