Friends, enemies, and agonists: Politics, morality and media in the COVID-19 conjuncture

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SAGE Publications
The radical democratic theorist Chantal Mouffe has long criticized the moralization of politics in its neoliberalized Third Way form. The argument informs her analysis of the rise of the far right, which she suggests has partly been enabled by moralizing antagonisms that inhibit a culture of agonistic political contestation. This paper uses Mouffe to think about the current condition of mediatized public discourse, extending her critique of moralized politics to a wider set of targets. I illuminate the argument through an analysis of a BBC Newsnight report that thematizes the ‘toxic’ nature of public debate about the science of COVID-19. I show how the report internalizes sedimented ‘culture war’ discourses about the polarized nature of today’s public culture and, in the process, offers oblique insights into how far-right discourses are normalized. I end by considering some of the limitations of Mouffe’s work as a resource for thinking about how to counteract the far right.
BBC, COVID science, culture wars, far-right normalisation, media, morality, Mouffe, neoliberalism, sedimented antagonisms, the political
Discourse and Society: an international journal for the study of discourse and communication in their social, political and cultural contexts, 2022