Slot n' Slide : a concept design for a life jacket for flood events in India : an exegesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Design at Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand

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India endures numerous flood events every year due to its tropical monsoon climate. River delta regions affected by these disaster events are often heavily populated and experience considerable damage and loss of life through drowning. The life jacket currently in use by first responders in India negatively impacts performance with unsatisfactory levels of protection, comfort, and stowage. In addition, these products present fit and usability challenges and lack cultural sensitivity to end-users. This research project addresses the suitability of this life jacket to respond efficiently in an emergency by using a practice-led prototyping investigation to develop a specific flood rescue product that is reflective of the context of use and responsive to the cultural context of India. The outcome of this creative practice research is a ‘slot n slide’ panel life jacket inspired by the traditional Indian sari. This conceptual design accommodates a diverse range of body anthropometry in a one-size-fits-all solution, achieved by an innovative inter-panel strapping system with integrated side adjustments. This concept provides new and perceivable benefits, including improvements in utility for first responders, single product deployment, efficient stowage and provisioning with easier donning and doffing, broad size accommodation, and a single adjustment strap, improving usability for end-users.
Figures 3.3 - 3.8 were removed for copyright reasons. Figures 4.5, 4.6, and 4.15 - 4.21 are re-used under the NZ Copyright Act 1994 s.42 which provides for the copying of a work for purposes of criticism or review.
Life jackets, India, Design, Rescue work, Equipment and supplies, Floods, Safety measures