The impact of the mathematical identity of school leaders on professional development in mathematics education in NZ primary schools : a case study of two New Zealand primary sector schools : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Education at Massey University, Albany, New Zealand
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Massey University
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This study draws on psychoanalytical theory and research data to explore
the experiences and impacts of different educational leadership approaches
to improving teacher practice in primary sector mathematics education.
Under consideration are the behaviours exhibited by Principals in response
to their personal relationship with mathematics. Specifically, it examines how
the mathematical identity of a Principal may influence their educational
leadership of mathematics, how that may affect the provision of professional
development for teachers who teach mathematics, and how that, in turn,
affects the mathematical identity of those teachers.
A review of the research literature reveals the importance of considering
both the social and intrapersonal nature of mathematical identity and the
interpersonal relationships of leadership and has led to this study being
placed in the constructive philosophical approach from a Lacanian
psychoanalytic context. The study also acknowledges the indeterminate
nature of what the future holds, including the aim of school achievement, and
defines this study as embedded in the postmodern system of ideas as a
means of viewing social and cultural phenomena. The study is a comparison
between two contrasting school environments. Consistent with an
interpretive approach, data collection and analysis have complementary
roles with each activity informing the other. Data collection instruments used
for this study were the questionnaire, personal interviews, focus group
interviews, and the researcher.
The investigation revealed that a Principal who consistently addresses their
mathematical identity, through direct participation in professional
development, is more likely to correctly identify strategic development needs
and to provide appropriate professional development in mathematics. This
provision addresses the mathematical identity of teachers by improving
mathematical content and pedagogical knowledge. The study found that
many Principals were educated through a behaviourist pedagogy and that
participation in current professional development allowed them to better
understand the constructivist approach of contemporary mathematics
education and best practice in classroom practice. The Principal!s personal
participation also builds relational trust with the teaching team, enabling the
conditions for a learning culture within their school. From these findings,
recommendations are made for Principals to reflect upon the effective
provision of professional development in mathematics whilst considering
how psychological influences might affect their educational leadership of
mathematics and teacher practice.
Principal-teacher relationships, School principals, Professional development, Mathematics teachers