Exploring New Zealand's capability to strategically manage logistical responses to major civil defence and emergency management events : a thesis presented in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Logistics and Supply Chain Management at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

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Effective management and leadership in readiness for and response to disaster events can mean the difference between life and death, as well as shaping the scale of the impact that these events can have on the economy and social stability of New Zealand. The purpose of the current study is to contribute to the research field of Humanitarian Logistics, with a particular focus on New Zealand’s management capability to logistically respond to civil defence and emergency management (CDEM) events. In the wake of the 22 February 2011 Christchurch earthquake, it is timely to contribute academic literature that focuses directly on New Zealand’s readiness and response, and assesses the country’s capabilities should such a significant scenario occur again. The thesis focuses on three contributing research fields that set the foundation of the study’s research framework. These are Humanitarian Logistics, Emergency Management and Leadership, and Governance and Policy. An extensive literature review examines these areas with the aim of drawing together common themes and contemporary issues that have shaped the subsequent research questions. The research design is centred on a simplified model of research (without hypotheses), and used a ‘Hierarchy of Concepts’ to facilitate an inductive approach to data collection and analysis. Data collection resulted in a high response rate to a questionnaire survey that saw the contribution of 84 emergency management professionals, along with the cooperation of seven of New Zealand’s senior executives from the wider CDEM sector who agreed to participate in a thorough interview process. Audit assessments and independent performance reviews also provided a basis with which to compare and contrast the data collection set. Research analysis found that New Zealand possesses the foundation of a robust framework of emergency management legislation, a National CDEM Plan, and other policies, yet implementation and performance against this framework indicated a range of deficiencies. In a number of cases these areas require urgent attention. The main findings are categorised under six common and interrelated themes: Logistics Development, Enhancing Collaboration, Smart Integration, Strengthening Governance, Smarter Resource Management, and Enhancing Professional Development. Under each of these themes a number of potential improvements are identified that would benefit the wider CDEM sector as a whole. Analysis and associated deductions, conducted through the lens of these six themes, resulted in 17 key recommendations.
Business logistics, Emergency management, Civil defence, New Zealand, Research Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES::Business and economics::Business studies