Attitudes, attitude change, and organizational climate : a search for a pragmatic relationship : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Psychology at Massey University

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Massey University
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This study was designed to investigate relationships among elements of a model linking organizational climate to performance. Specific focus was to be on the motivational factors located in the organizational climate, and attitudes and attitude change. Sources of attitudes were to be determined with regard to a job satisfaction-attitude link. The strength (positive or negative) of the attitude was also to be assessed. Unanticipated restrictions placed upon the research by the organization in question precluded collection of sufficient data for full analyses of relationships as proposed. An extensive review is made of pertinent research in the field of attitudes and attitude change. Emphasis is placed upon problem areas found in a majority of studies in this area. Also covered in the review section are organizational climate, job satisfaction and the attitude/behaviour consistency controversy. Attitudes to the subjects' organization and work location are assessed from semantic differential data. A job analysis questionnaire is adapted to investigate areas of potential satisfaction. Data from these instruments are analysed and subjects placed into rank order. These ranks are then compared. Results show some trend toward consistency, i.e. subjects who ranked high on the attitude scales tended to rank high also on the job satisfaction scale. Further correlational studies of attitudes as predictors of job satisfaction investigate the relationship of these two variables. Highest positive correlation was found between the E Factor on the work location attitude and job satisfaction. The proposed model offering pragmatic relationships among the elements under study was based on the functional approach to attitude change. Adoption of this model would conceivably offer a rationale for the investigation of relationships of employee performance, satisfaction, attitudes, motivation and the sources of these variables. It is suggested that future research may usefully investigate further the relationships in this model, keeping the central idea of attitudes as the major influence and predictor of an individual's satisfaction and/or performance.
Attitude (Psychology), Job satisfaction, Organisational behaviour