The development of unploughable hill country : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Agricultural Science in Massey University
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Massey University
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This study is an investigation into the relative non-acceptance by farmers of new technology in the form of the Te Awa type of hill country development. It embodies an investigation into the physical and economic aspects of development, and of the factors which are currently limiting or preventing development. Technological change can be defined as change which results in an objective or end being achieved in a physically different way. Of particular interest are those changes which increase profits, although whether a change is in fact profitable, may require a fairly detailed investigation. There are three major sources of new technology in agriculture; firstly, from research aimed at developing and proving new techniques, (e.g. the breeding of improved pasture species); secondly, as an unplanned by-product of pure research (e.g. the n-type Romney sheep); and thirdly, from planned or chance discovery by farmers, (e.g. the Hunter fence).
Te Awa Hill Pasture Research Station, Agricultural innovations, Hill farming, New Zealand, Agricultural land, New Zealand, Pohangina, New Zealand