How to make organisational meetings effective : the critical influences on successful and unsuccessful meetings : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Psychology at Massey University

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Massey University
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The purpose of this research was to evaluate the internal features (features internal to the meeting context) and external features (organisational features external to the meeting context) that influence successful and unsuccessful meeting outcomes. The major strength of this research was the multilevel analysis method utilised to separate individual and group level effects. The research consisted of two studies. Study one utilised a sample of 180 University students, business professionals, and members of the general public to clarify the dominate/prototypical features of successful and unsuccessful organisational meetings. The three leading internal aspects found to impact on successful meetings were: 'Active group participation', 'clear and detailed agenda', and 'positive outcome'. Conversely, the three leading internal aspects found to impact on unsuccessful meetings were 'Necessary attendees were not invited or present', 'unresolved conflict' and 'lack of group participation with unequal interaction'. Study two utilised the prototypical meeting features identified in study one as indicators of successful and unsuccessful meeting outcomes, and examined the organisational aspects external to the meeting context that influence these meeting outcomes. One hundred and seventy nine individuals from 30 collections of individuals who participate in meetings took part in study two. Team functioning, high cohesion (Group Integration to the Task and Attraction to the Group Social), norming and performing stages of development, Teamthink, and positive job-related affect were external aspects found to influence successful meeting outcomes. Group functioning, low cohesion (GI-T and ATG-S), low operation in the norming and perfoming stages of development, low Teamthink and negative job-related affect were the external aspects found to influence unsuccessful meeting aspects.
Meetings, Psychological aspects