Matching nature : integrated coastal zone management in the Hauraki Gulf : a thesis presented in part fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy in Resource and Environmental Planning, Massey University
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Massey University
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This thesis aims to assess characteristics for a framework of ICZM as a basis for an analysis of coastal management in New Zealand using the Hauraki Gulf as a case study. This would determine whether efficient, equitable and effective policy and environmental outcomes are occurring amongst different organisations and stakeholders. Research design followed an action research methodology. A literature review relating to various aspects of ICZM has been compiled and summarised into criteria for application to coastal management in the Hauraki Gulf. Interviews were carried out with key stakeholders associated with policy and implementation in the Gulf. The interviews are analysed by evaluating change based on the theoretical criteria in three areas: target groups, innovative organisations, and the interactive setting. This has allowed a framework to be developed and subsequently sent to interview participants for review. The conclusions for the thesis concern issues associated with achieving ICZM for the Hauraki Gulf and the applicability of an ICZM based framework. Issues relate to lack of clarity, interpretation of roles, relationship building, education and promoting a culture change, cynicism about integrated management based on statutory interpretation of roles, bureaucratic interactions between central, regional and local government agencies as disincentives for effective ICZM. A process framework and recommendations have been developed to enhance stakeholder input into coastal management and the first iteration has highlighted a need for further simplification.
New Zealand, Coastal zone management, Hauraki Gulf