Social psychology for social change: Foundations for and introduction to a program of action-oriented research
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Liu JH
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Cambridge University Press
Copyright © The Author(s) 2014.The Special Issues series on social psychology of social change will provide a forum for research on the science and practice of interventions for social change that benefit individuals, organisations and society. This effort takes up Lewin's call for scientific research aimed towards solving social problems and generating new knowledge, but with a theory and practice of culture and cultural change at its centre. The effort elevates the dominant research approach in developing countries in Asia where there is more concern about opportunities for training and engaging in and publishing more applied work. The emphasis both on research excellence and on a holistic concern for society as central components for theorising about effective modes of realising social change in Asia and the Pacific is a long-term project that begins with the seven diverse articles in the special issue, which span different stages in the project - from clarifying its Asian philosophical basis, to empirical analysis of the problem and levers of change, to evaluation of the outcomes of action research.
Social Sciences, Psychology, Multidisciplinary, Psychology, action research, social change, societal development, culture change
JOURNAL OF PACIFIC RIM PSYCHOLOGY, 2014, 8 (2), pp. 29 - 34 (6)