Self-educated achievers : can unlettered theologians reach their potential? : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Education, Massey University, Albany Campus, New Zealand, 2002

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The past 20 years have seen a period of continuing change in New Zealand education. The change in overseas governments' entry requirements for New Zealanders to live and work in their countries, the evolution of "Education Permanente"ยน The key philosophical ideas of "Education Permanente" are that education is no longer limited to a particular period of one's life, and encompasses formal, non-formal and informal educational activities., Government policy to promote community education - have had an impact on the motivations of adults to enter formal education. It seemed relevant to visit the topic of self-education to discover what, if any, changes have occurred in the motivations of self-educated theologians in the last two decades. It was my intention to identify any patterns used by the theologians for self-directed learning during this period. The literature review established five themes relevant to the study. In brief these themes are that adults are self-directed to a greater or lesser degree; that meaningful learning takes place when adults are in control of their learning; that given the right environment, all adults can develop intellectually; that a variety of factors may determine whether adults choose to leam through formal or independent means, and that the context of learning is determined by who you are, how wealthy you are and what access you have to resources. It was important in this study to balance the assumptions of andragogy with the 1986 critique by Stephen Brookfield. [FROM FOREWORD]
Self-culture, Non-formal education, Theology -- Study and teaching