Gamification in education for engaging tāne ākonga Māori in their learning spaces : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Māori Studies, Te Pūtahi-a-Toi Massey University, Manawatū, New Zealand

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This PhD research project sought to identify how the motivation and engagement of tāne ākonga Māori (Māori boy students) could be enhanced in English medium education settings in Aotearoa, New Zealand, through a Māori gamification model. The rationale for this focus is to provide tāne ākonga Māori with learning experiences in English medium education settings that better cater to their needs compared to what they are currently receiving. This is critical considering that Māori are a minority in Aotearoa and must conform to an education system not designed to cater to their needs. Furthermore, only 1.9% of kaiako (teachers) in Aotearoa are tāne Māori (Māori men). Consequently, tāne ākonga Māori would benefit from additional support to help meet their needs. This research project is, therefore, embraced by Kaupapa Māori research methodology and consists of two phases of data collection. Phase One involved Pakeke Kōrero, discussion groups with pakeke (older tāne Māori aged 17 and above) that provided pakeke with the opportunity to share their wisdom regarding how to best support the next generation of tāne ākonga Māori. The kōrero (discussions) from Phase One guided Phase Two, the Gamification Implementation, where action research was conducted in a English medium primary school. During Phase Two, feedback was gained from the kaiako and ākonga (student) participants. The data collected provided an intergenerational perspective from tāne Māori, which was then compiled and examined concerning how gamification in education could be tailored to the needs of tāne ākonga Māori. Two factors were identified as significant to the effectiveness of tailoring gamification in education to the needs of tāne ākonga Māori: their cultural needs and their needs as male learners. This project is the first Aotearoa-based doctoral research investigating gamification in English medium primary school education settings catering to the needs of tāne ākonga Māori. The findings from this PhD research prove that gamification in education is highly effective for enhancing the engagement and motivation of tāne ākonga Māori and their non-Māori and female peers. The findings are significant because they contribute to a gap in research and knowledge base in the emerging field of gamification in education.
Children, Māori, Education (Elementary), Achievement motivation in boys, Gamification, New Zealand, Kura tuatahi, Mātauranga, Tamariki, Ākonga, Māori Doctoral Thesis, Māori education, gamification in education, Māori gamification model, gamification in education for Indigenous learners