Perceived importance of the personality characteristics of a successful manager : the relevance of the CPI, the 16PF and the concept of androgyny : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment for the requirements of the degree of Master of Arts in Psychology at Massey University

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Massey University
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The present study investigated the perceptions surrounding managers in New Zealand. Traits from the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF) and the California Psychological Inventory (CPI) were used to determine if managers perceived these traits differently for successful male and female managers. Subjects' gender role identity, and the perceived gender role identity of a successful manager were determined using the Bem Sex Role Inventory (Short Form). One hundred and forty three managers received one of three questionnaire versions. They rated either a successful manager, a successful female manager, or a successful male manager on the above traits. Results showed that successful male and female managers were perceived differently on six traits from the 16PF and CPI. Unexpectedly 41.5% of managers in the sample identified themselves on the BSRI as undifferentiated. Thirty five percent of respondents rated a successful manager as androgynous. These results are contrary to overseas research where managers predominantly rate successful managers as masculine. Only half the personality traits from the 16PF and CPI were actually considered important for managers. This supports research concerned with the use of general personality measures in selection.
Psychology Androgyny, California psychological inventory, Sex Role, Executives -- Psychology, Middle managers -- New Zealand, Sixteen personality factor questionnaire