The implications of the 2001 Primary Health Care Strategy for providers and consumers : a thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy in Nursing at Massey University, Albany, New Zealand
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Massey University
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To discuss The Primary Health Care Strategy (King, 2001) and its implications for providers
and consumers. The research question is: What are the implications of the 2001 Primary Health
Care Strategy for providers and consumers
Applied policy qualitative analysis using the 'framework' approach. This non-contact approach
involved generating data from the strategy document by identifying themes that related to the
research question, coding the data according to the themes and then mapping and interpreting
the data. The process involved a systematic but flexible approach to determine the meaning,
relevance and connections of the data and the themes. The themes of 'provider' and 'consumer'
were identified a priori and guided the process to identify the three key themes of funding,
services and skills. Part way through the process two further categories were identified in order
to fully answer the research question. These included: Implications of the strategy for
consumers; and implications of the strategy for providers. A theoretical framework informed the
discussion for both categories.
The findings demonstrate that the strategy has significant implications for providers and
consumers. It shows that the vision and the key directions outlined by King (2001) are
achievable but require a different process than that outlined in the document. The findings
suggest that the most effective way to achieve these are to: Target disadvantaged groups and
providers who are willing to work with those groups; strengthen nursing' s professional identity
by establishing primary health care nursing models; assign nurses the responsibility to deliver
population health activities; and address the structures and payment mechanisms in General