A study of vegetative and reproductive development in Caucasian clover (Trifolium ambiguum, M. Bieb.) cv. Monaro : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Agricultural Science in Seed Technology at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

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Massey University
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A four year established stand of Caucasian clover (Trifolium ambiguum,M.Bieb) cv. Monaro grown on Fine Sandy Loam with moderate fertility was studied to assess the vegetative and reproductive development and the effect of defoliation on seed yield and yield components from September 1991 to June 1992. As in many other traditional herbage legumes, an indeterminate growth habit and a protracted flowering period can be a factor limiting seed production in this clover. From the examination of the vegetative growth and flowering behaviour, it was found that the protracted flowering pattern in this clover is mainly caused by continuous production of reproductive shoots from the crowns rather than continuing inflorescence emergence in one stem as results indicated that inflorescences produced were mainly associated with the number of reproductive shoots available at the time of inflorescence emergence. Reproductive growth commenced at the beginning of October when most visible . Inflorescence buds were formed and subsequent flowering occurred about 8 weeks later. This reproductive growth was found to be the most concentrated on reproductive shoots/stems formed in November to December 1991. These reproductive shoots contributed the majority (70%) of proportion to total inflorescences. Inter-row cultivation decreased the number of reproductive shoots produced as well as decreasing the number of inflorescences at harvest. Inflorescences originating from main crowns produced a higher number of floret buds and seeds per inflorescence than those originating from secondary crowns as the main crowns have their own strong taproot system and are more mature. Throughout the flowering season, T. ambiguum consistently abort about 10 % flower buds before the flowers open. On average of 60% of the open florets developed into live pods at maturity, but only one from two ovules in an ovary usually developed into seeds. On average of about 72% of pods had one seed, 11% of pods with two seeds and 16% were without seed. Both in early and middle flowers, seed development studies revealed that maximum yield of high quality seed was obtained only when seeds attained their maximum dry weight at 30 days after pollination, at the time when seed moisture content had fallen to 30 to 40%. At this time the pods were yellowish brown in colour. To ensure the production of good quality seed with high yield in T. ambiguum it is necessary, therefore to wait crop until at least 34 days after pollination for harvesting the seeds. Seeds harvested early at day 14 to 22 did not retain their viability suggesting that these seeds was still immature and could not withstand desiccation. It was found that pod shattering begun at about 8 days after maximum dry weight (mass maturity) was reached. Heavy rainfall and strong dry wind was found to enhance the rate of shattering. Hardseededness was observed firstly in freshly harvested seeds when seed moisture contents were close to 20%. The levels of hardseededness was higher after drying. Inflorescences set later in the season produced more hard seeds due to higher temperatures and increased humidity during maturation stage. The results of this experiment have confirmed the high seeding potential of T. ambiguum (cv. Monaro) and this should facilitate the production of adequate seed supplies of this cultivars. The average seed yield potential, potential harvestable seed yield and actual seed yield was 893 kg/ha, 707 kg/ha and 427 kg/ha respectively. This might be attributed to the facts that the crop examined in this study was a four year established sward which was mature enough to produced a high yield. Another study was done involving late defoliation treatments designed to investigate their possible effects on plant growth and seed production. Cutting the plant to the ground level showed an obvious harmful effects on seed yield in T. ambiguum. The results show that October and November cutting resulted a 67 and 72% decrease in actual seed yield compared to uncut control. This results support Steiner's view (in press) that the plant morphology of T. ambiguum limits its ability to recover from defoliation.
Clover, Varieties, Seeds