The provision of English as a second language as part of the NZAID package : discussed in the context of English as a world language : a thesis presented in fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Philosophy in Development Studies at Massey University
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Massey University
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It has been the aim of the nation state ideology, and nation building, to emulate a singular language and a singular culture as a means to achieving national identity and uniformity. While the homogenisation of language practices across the globe may have been regrettable, it was somehow seen as inevitable and natural. This idea stemmed from the belief that difference was abnormal and so monolingualism natural. (O'Driscoll, 2001, p. 488) The nation state ideology did not stop there and has spilled over into the global sphere. Individual nations are now encouraged to belong to the global world. Monolingualism is an argument that needs to be discussed within this context. Is it right to continue to believe that one unifying language will assist in the unification of nations or should we now be discussing alternatives to this ideology that for some has meant destruction to diversity? It is clear that despite increasing demographic diversity, the imperatives of cultural and linguistic homogeneity continue to dominate the development and maintenance of public policy. This is the historical aim of nation states...the adoption of a common language for all citizens... but it is invariably that of the dominant ethnic group and at the expense of all other languages (May, 2002, p. 24) The provision of English language teacher training and teaching is part of the aid package that is offered by NZAID to our aid recipient nations. In so doing, the question needs to be asked whether this contribution is facilitating a loss or a gain for New Zealand's aid recipients. In providing the instruction of English and training teachers in recipient nations to teach English are we encouraging the dominance of one language, English, over all others?
English language, Foreign countries, Intercultural communication, Foreign speakers, Political aspects, Social aspects, Language, Universal, Economic development