"Hua oranga" : best health outcomes for Māori : a thesis presented for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Māori Studies at Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand

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Massey University
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Poor mental health is recognised as a major threat to Māori well-being. Over the past three decades Māori admissions to psychiatric facilities have increased dramatically and have coincided with increasing socio-economic disadvantage - gaps which exist between Māori and non-Māori, as well as progressive alienation from te ao Māori (the Māori world). Hua Oranga (translated literally as the fruits of health) is both the title of this thesis and the name given to the tool which it describes. The tool is a measure of Māori mental, health outcome and is based on Māori perspectives of health, Māori philosophies, aspirations, and world views. It is a tool designed for clinical and care settings, and measures the efficacy of treatment, or health interventions. The tool employs a triangulated method of outcome assessment and considers the views of tangata whaiora (Māori mental health consumers), clinicians, and whānau (family members). A series of five clinical-endpoints have been identified to allow the tool to be applied with greater precision. By itself the tool will not address all of the complex problems associated with Māori mental health - nor is it designed to do so, indeed that is well beyond the brief of this investigation. What it does however, is to illustrate the utility of seeking outcomes of cultural significance, the employment of Māori perspectives to shape outcome measurement, and the implications for treatment and care. At a broader level, the tool has the potential to contribute to the development of more effective strategies, policies, and service design. To this end, Hua Oranga will contribute to improved health outcomes for Māori.
Māori, Mental health services, Hauora hinengaro, Rāpunga whakaaro, Tāngata whenua, Māori Doctoral Thesis