'The influence of geography on the development of early Rome' : a thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for a Master of Arts in History; School of Humanities at Massey University, Manawatu, New Zealand
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Geography was an influential factor in the development of the site and city of Rome, affecting
both the city itself, and the wider region. Rome was situated in a favorable position on the
western cost of the Italian peninsula, with a rich hinterland consisting of volcanic soils fed by
high annual rainfall, and a temperate climate. As the city was built on the intersection of two
important trade routes, its people had both access to, and some control over, the natural
resources of the area. These routes included Via Salaria which transported salt inland from the
coast, and the main route north-south along the peninsula which linked the Etruscan tribes in
the north with the Greek colonies in Campania. The Tiber River which ran along the northern
edge of the city also provided a sea route to trading partners, as well as linking the city to the
hinterland upstream. This interaction with close neighbours also introduced new ideas and
resources which shaped the direction in which the city developed.
The influence of geography cannot be overlooked in any discussion of the development of
early Rome, as this was the main factor in the establishment of the early city. The availability
of natural resources and key geographical features such as the Tiber River, fertile hinterland,
and fresh spring-fed water supply influenced where Rome was situated. Within the location of
Rome the river, hills, and valleys all dictated the spatial settlement patterns which affected the
layout of the city throughout its history. These geographical features, and the Romans’
interactions with them, affected all aspects of their daily life, from providing the physical
building blocks of the city, to the constant risk from natural hazards such as flooding, and also
led to the need constantly to modify their environment over time, to meet the needs of a growing
city.--From Conclusion
Rome (Italy), Geography, History