Raukawa Social Services : origins and future directions : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Social Work at Massey University
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Massey University
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This thesis examines the origins and the future development of Raukawa
Social Services, an initiative by the iwi of Ngati Raukawa ki te Tonga. It
examines the contributions and influences that have led to the development
of Raukawa Social Services, the issues the Service has had to face and
challenges for the future. The development is situated within the context of
hapu and iwi and therefore much of the debate focuses upon where the
Service is most appropriately sited: iwi, hapu, or a mixture of both. The
current devolution of social services in Aotearoa/New Zealand is associated
with the devolution of services to iwi and therefore this thesis also addresses
the iwi-State relationship as it pertains to Raukawa Social Services. The use
of qualitative methods guided by the principles of kaupapa Maori research,
as well as the use of the theoretical orientation of the critical tradition has
influenced this work.
The stories of nine individuals and three hapu groups who are from Ngati
Raukawa with strong connections to their whanau, hapu and iwi
organisation (Te Runanga o Raukawa and/ or Raukawa Social Services)
highlight the issues from their perspective. The findings reveal the
importance of strengthening the relationship between iwi and hapu, the
need to clearly identify the kind of service best suited to the needs of the
hapu and iwi of Ngati Raukawa and whether such needs are inclusive of a
relationship with the State. Unanimous support was expressed for the
continuation of positive preventative initiatives as a means of dealing with
social service issues within Ngati Raukawa. This can .make the relationship
between the iwi and the State a difficult one, with funding narrowly
channelled towards interventionist methods. The challenge for the Service
is to work creatively within the contracts offered to meet both the needs of
the State and the hapu of Ngati Raukawa.
The recommendations advocate the importance of the hapu-iwi
relationship and the concern that there needs to be strategic planning to
ensure both of these structures are working together towards a healthier
future. It is argued that Raukawa Social Services needs to look at the current
structure that they work within and ask if it is the most effective, or whether
other structures might more effectively meet the needs of hapu. In looking
at a possible relationship with the State there was a belief that any
negotiations should not occur at the expense of tino rangatiratanga and
Ngati Raukawatanga.
Māori, Social service, Ngāti Raukawa, Te Runanga o Raukawa