Enhancing student decision making in technological practice : a thesis submitted for the degree of PhD Education, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand
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This research focused on identifying the influence of conceptual understandings of
technological modelling on students’ ability to make informed decisions when
developing technological outcomes. It also explored the relationship between
student achievement in the components of Technological Practice (brief
development, planning for practice, and outcome development and evaluation) and
their concepts in technological modelling.
An emancipatory action research design was adopted for this study due to its
responsiveness to the context in natural settings, and focus on critical reflection
with intent to improve understandings and practice within social settings (Elliot,
1981; Poskitt, 1994). Quantitative and qualitative data were gathered using a mixed
methods approach, consisting of a questionnaire, portfolio evidence and interviews.
These data were gathered over three research cycles from 27 student participants
who were in years 12 and 13 in 2008 and 2009 respectively.
Category labels were developed from literature and an initial exploration of the
data, to describe the ‘nature of reasoning’ and the ‘nature of practice’ students
applied when engaged in undertaking technological practice to address a need or
opportunity. The category labels allowed exploration of the relationships between
the different forms of reasoning students employed when undertaking technological
practice. These labels also enabled exploration of how reasoning informed student
decision making and supported their justifying that the technological outcomes they
developed were ‘fit for purpose’.
The research found a positive connection between student understanding of
concepts underpinning technological modelling and their curriculum achievement
in the components of Technological Practice - brief development, planning for
practice, and outcome development and evaluation. That is, when student
understanding of technological modelling were enhanced their competency to
undertake brief development, planning for practice, and outcome development and
evaluation also increased. The research also showed that students who held more
sophisticated understanding of technological modelling (Level 6 or above) could
discuss how practical and functional reasoning work together to identify risk, and
enable informed and justifiable design decisions to be made. In addition these
students could also justify the technological outcomes they developed as ‘fit for
purpose in their broadest sense’ (Compton, 2007; Compton & France, 2007b). In
contrast, those students who held low curriculum level understanding of
technological modelling (below Level 5) demonstrated a lack of ability to integrate
practical and functional reasoning to inform their decision making when
undertaking technological practice. As such, their decision making most often
centred on determining the physical description of a technological outcome, with
little apparent thought to social-technical considerations that underpinned its
development, and later implementation into its intended environment.
This research concludes that when teachers support students to develop their
curriculum understandings of technological modelling their ability in undertaking
technological practice becomes more sophisticated, and they are equipped to
develop technological outcomes that they can defend as ‘fit for purpose in their
broadest sense’ (Compton, 2007; Compton & France, 2007b). The research
findings therefore present a case for teachers to place an explicit emphasis within
their teaching programmes on enhancing student conceptual understandings of
technological modelling.
Student decision making, Technology education