Nutrition and physical activity for pre-schoolers : early childhood education teachers' knowledge and perspectives : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics, Massey University, Albany, New Zealand
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Background Caregivers’ knowledge of the links between nutrition, diet and physical
activity is increasingly being recognised as important for children’s health and body size.
Evidence is limited for early childhood education (ECE) teachers’ knowledge about nutrition
and physical activity for pre-schoolers, especially in New Zealand. Identifying knowledge
gaps amongst teachers may direct professional development, health promotion and obesity
prevention strategies in childcare settings.
Aims The primary aim was to measure early childhood education (ECE) teachers’
nutrition knowledge for pre-schoolers (2-5-year-olds); and their perspectives towards
nutrition and physical activity. In order to achieve this, a secondary aim was to design an ECE
teacher nutrition knowledge questionnaire that satisfies psychometric criteria of validity and
Methods Questionnaire items were generated based on New Zealand Ministry of
Health nutrition guidelines for pre-schoolers, a literature search and expert advice. Nutrition
(n=40) and non-nutrition (n=51) university students completed the questionnaire once; 35 of
the nutrition students completed the questionnaire twice.
Psychometric tests for construct and test-retest reliability were conducted. The
cross-sectional online validated questionnaire of New Zealand ECE teachers’ nutrition
knowledge for pre-schoolers was then used to measure ECE teachers’ nutrition knowledge
for pre-schoolers. Knowledge was scored and measured against the Ministry of Health Food
and Nutrition Guidelines for Healthy Children and Young People (Aged 2-18 years): A
background paper (2015c). Teachers’ perspectives towards nutrition and physical activity for
pre-schoolers were assessed using Likert scales within the questionnaire. Analysis included
descriptive statistics, correlation and linear regression.
Results The questionnaire achieved an acceptable level of content and construct
validity and test-retest reliability. ECE teachers (n=386) from New Zealand childcare centres
completed the validated questionnaire. Teachers’ knowledge of nutrition was lacking;
overall score was 22.56 ± 2.83 (mean ± SD), or 61% correct. Age, qualification level,
employment role and years of experience did not predict overall nutrition knowledge scores.
Teachers’ increased years of experience significantly predicted an increase in knowing that
New Zealand nutrition and physical activity guidelines existed (B=0.02 [95% CI, 0.00-0.03],
r2=0.13, P=0.033). Teachers’ increased agreement in feeling they were confident talking
about nutrition to parents significantly predicted an increase in overall nutrition knowledge
scores, (B=0.34 [95% CI, 0.06-0.63], r2=0.15, P=0.019). The belief that ECE teachers play a
vital role in promoting pre-schoolers’ healthy eating and physical activity was widespread.
Teachers generally held positive perspectives towards feeding practices and perceived
themselves to understand key physical activity concepts. Common barriers for ECE teachers’
nutrition and physical activity knowledge included a lack of staff training, confidence and
Conclusion The questionnaire achieved an acceptable level of construct validity and
test-retest reliability and is suitable to measure ECE teachers’ nutrition knowledge for preschoolers
(2-5-year-olds) in New Zealand. ECE teachers may lack nutrition knowledge for
pre-schoolers in New Zealand, particularly with regards to basic nutrition recommendations
(servings, food/beverage choices and portion sizes).
Keywords: childhood obesity, childcare, kindergarten, day care, pre-school, nutrition
environment, psychometric validation, nutrition literacy
Nutrition, Study and teaching (Preschool), Preschool children, Nutrition, Exercise for children, Education, Preschool, New Zealand, Research Subject Categories::INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH AREAS::Domestic science and nutrition, Childhood obesity, Childcare, Kindergarten, Day care, Pre-school, Nutrition environment, Psychometric validation, Nutrition literacy