Implementing localised curriculum drawing on a funds of knowledge perspective

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New Zealand Council for Educational Research
Open Journal Systems OJS
In recent years in New Zealand, there has been a policy shift towards schools ‘localising’ the national curriculum to align with the context, aspirations, and knowledge of the local community and student population. In relation to mathematics education, this requires educators to understand and value the mathematical connections between diverse students’ funds of knowledge and use these to develop mathematical tasks. This article draws on interview responses from a case study of eight teachers from one low socio-economic, culturally diverse school to investigate their initial perceptions and actions to develop an appropriate localised mathematics curriculum drawing on diverse students’ funds of knowledge. The findings indicate that teachers viewed it as important to use real and relevant contexts in mathematics teaching. Interview responses indicated that both students and their families were seen as important sources of information. However, there were challenges for teachers to recognise students’ funds of knowledge related to mathematics beyond schooling or generic experiences.
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Hunter J, Hunter R, Tupouniua J, Fitzgerald L. (2021). Implementing localised curriculum drawing on a funds of knowledge perspective: Teacher perceptions and challenges. The New Zealand Annual Review of Education. 26. 2020.