The securitization of energy : post September 11 U.S. energy security policy : a thesis presented in partial fulfillment for the degree of Master of Philosophy in Politics at Massey University
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Massey University
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The September 11 attacks unquestionably had a significant impact on the policies of the Bush administration, and a number of works have been published on the change in U.S. foreign policy post September 11. However while a large number of commentators have explained that America's foreign policy and domestic security environment were irrevocably changed that day, when the planes flew into their targets, there has been very little discussion generated over post September 11 energy policy and whether the change in U.S. foreign policy has been reflected in contemporary U.S. energy policy. This lack of discussion over post September 11 energy policy is surprising as foreign policy and energy policy objectives are often pursued in concert with one another, therefore it is this lacuna that this thesis seeks to examine. In order to examine whether the change in U.S. foreign policy is reflected in U.S. energy policy this thesis will examine historical U.S. policy in order to establish America's pre September 11 approach to energy policy and will also discuss post September 11 energy policy to highlight any changes or lack thereof. Through examination of pre and post September 11 U.S. energy policy it can be concluded that while the horror of the September 11 attacks forced a reassessment of America's domestic security environment as well as spawning the creation of the Bush Doctrine which was a significant development in the field of foreign policy there was very little change in U.S. energy policy post September 11.
Energy policy -- Political aspects -- United States, Petroleum industry and trade -- Political aspects -- Middle East, United States -- Foreign relations -- Middle East