Enabling face-name recognition after brain injury using mobile technology : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Clinical Psychology at Massey University, New Zealand
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Massey University
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Acquired brain injury (ABI) is a term that encompasses a wide range of
mechanisms that cause damage to the brain, however in New Zealand the most common
causes of ABI are traumatic brain injury (TBI) and stroke. One of the most commonly
reported and enduring difficulties from TBI and stroke is in memory function, however
research also indicates that these brain injuries also negatively impact affective
functioning, as well as social and interpersonal relationships. Although recovery from
brain injury can to some degree be predicted from measures of injury severity, the
course of recovery can be aided by cognitive rehabilitation. One of the most effective
types of cognitive rehabilitation for prospective memory difficulties is the use of
external compensatory strategies using electronic devices such as mobile phones.
However, no studies could be found which have investigated the use of mobile phones
in supporting those who have face-name memory difficulties following ABI. These
face-naming difficulties have been associated with increased social isolation and
reduced wellbeing in survivors; therefore finding an effective intervention is an
important goal.
The present study included the development of an iPhone application to act as an
external compensatory device to support face-naming. Three hypotheses were tested
through a single-case research design: (1) that the device would be effective in
improving participants’ face-naming, (2) that improved face-naming ability would
result in improved social interactions, and (3) improved face-naming would result in
improved wellbeing. The results clearly indicated that the face-name application
produced improvement in functional face naming across all participants, and
participants also reported that they found the application helpful. Approximately half of
the participants showed improvement in aspects of social interaction thought due to the
intervention, but fewer than half showed improvements on measures of wellbeing. A
significant correlation was found between how often the application was used, and
changes in wellbeing. Recommendations for future research are discussed, as are
implications for practice.
Brain injury, Face recognition, Face perception, Prosopagnosia, iPhone application, Brain injury rehabilitation, Mobile phone application, Face-name recognition, Social interaction