Understanding the quit smoking journeys of Ngāti Raukawa women : barriers and supports : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand
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Massey University
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The purpose of this thesis was to record the journeys of 6 Ngāti Raukawa women who had tried to quit smoking and to identify the barriers and supports which the women experienced during quitting. A key focus of this thesis was to examine the barriers and supports for quitting which occurred within the marae, hapū and iwi environments of these women. A qualitative research approach using kaupapa Māori and Māori-centred research methods were used. The objective was achieved by undertaking in-depth qualitative interviews which identified issues around smoking and quitting within the participants daily lives, namely at work, home and in other social situations and compared these with other studies. This study extends the knowledge base about Māori women and smoking by contributing and extending the information available to influence policies and strategies at all levels, but more specifically at hapū, marae, iwi and Māori. The prominence of addressing hapū, marae and iwi issues is a unique aspect of this thesis. The participants experiences were reflective of the literature, however factors which impacted on smoking and quitting within Ngāti Raukawa hapū, marae and iwi settings were exacerbated given that in these instances cultural influences combined with other environmental factors to bring about high smoking rates. At the same time this study also showed that there is the potential to reduce smoking rates within these same settings although this will require a concerted effort from hapū, marae and iwi. What is required is a change in policy and behaviour across the whole community.
New Zealand, Women, Maori, Tobacco use, Smoking, Hauora, Wāhine