Freezing rate studies in blocks of meat of simple shape : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Food Technology at Massey University, New Zealand
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Massey University
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In view of the large quantities of foodstuff now being preserved in the frozen state, it is important to be able to predict the freezing time of a product under specified freezing conditions. An accurate knowledge of the freezing time of a product permits a precise termination to be made to the freezing process and the subsequent improvement possible in plant utilization is significant when large quantities of foodstuff have to be frozen in a given freezing plant. The freezing rate of a foodstuff must be high enough to prevent loss of quality as a result of microbiological and enzymic changes, but a loss of quality may still occur as a result of the nature of ice crystal formation during freezing. Mazur (27) proposed a quantitative relationship between the size and location of the ice crystals and the freezing rate and he considered that high freezing rates gave a high product quality. With these factors in mind the freezing rates obtained during the freezing of a product under different conditions were determined. The freezing times and freezing rates of a product can be found by experiment. This involves making temperature measurements with suitably located thermocouples, and the product is frozen when a specified centre temperature is reached. To eliminate the necessity for making experimental studies it is desirable to develop a calculation method which will accurately predict the freezing rate and freezing time of a product. [From Introduction]
Frozen meat