The effect of three different preservatives on the numbers and types of bacteria, Brix percentage, pH and nutritional composition of bovine colostrum sourced from New Zealand dairy farms
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Taylor and Francis Group
(c) 2024 The Author/s
AIMS: To investigate the effect of preservation by addition of yoghurt starter, potassium sorbate and citric acid on counts of aerobic bacteria, Lactobacillus spp., Streptococcus thermophilus and coliforms, Brix percentage, pH, protein, fat and anhydrous lactose concentrations at 0, 7 and 14 days after collection for colostrum stored at ambient temperature.
METHOD: Approximately 2 L of first milking colostrum was collected from 10 farms in the Waikato region. Following mixing, it was split into five 400-mL sub-samples and allocated randomly to a control (two sub-samples), or treatment with yoghurt, potassium sorbate, or citric acid preservative. Throughout the trial samples remained in the laboratory at ambient temperature with the lids slightly ajar, and were stirred daily for 15-30 seconds using a sterile spatula. Sub-samples were tested on Days 0, 7 and 14. On Days 0 and 14 aerobic bacteria (by aerobic plate count (APC)), Lactobacillus spp., coliforms and Streptococcus thermophilus counts, pH, Brix percentage, protein, fat and anhydrous lactose were measured. On Day 7 only bacterial counts were completed.The data were analysed using non-parametric clustered bootstrap sampling to estimate the effect of treatment, time, and their interaction on the outcome variables.
RESULTS: Compared to control samples, on Day 7 the APC for potassium sorbate (1.0 (90% CI = 0.6-1.6) × 108 cfu/mL) was approximately seven-fold lower than for yoghurt (7.3 (90% CI = 4.1-11) × 108 cfu/mL), and approximately three-fold lower than citric acid (3.2 (90% CI = 0.2-4.3) × 108 cfu/mL) remaining low to Day 14. All preservatives reduced coliform growth compared to control samples at Day 7 but growth was lower for potassium sorbate than the other preservatives. For Lactobacillus spp., at Day 7, samples with yoghurt preservative had greater counts than the other two preservatives. Potassium sorbate reduced growth of S. thermophilus compared to the other treatments, especially at Day 7, with 7-10 times fewer S. thermophilus per mL compared to the other three groups. All groups showed an obvious acidification over time, with very little variation within days and treatment groups. There was no evidence for change in fat or protein percentage over time regardless of treatment.
CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Aerobic and coliform bacteria proliferate extensively in unpreserved colostrum. All preservatives decreased coliform counts compared to un-preserved colostrum, but potassium sorbate was more effective at decreasing both coliforms and aerobic bacteria than either yoghurt or citric acid.
Brix percentage, Colostrum, anhydrous lactose, bacteria, fat, pH, preservation, protein
Cuttance EL, Mason WA, Cranefield S, Laven RA. (2024). The effect of three different preservatives on the numbers and types of bacteria, Brix percentage, pH and nutritional composition of bovine colostrum sourced from New Zealand dairy farms.. N Z Vet J. Latest Articles. (pp. 1-10).