Te Pākehā GOD : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters in Māori Visual Arts, Ngā Miro Wakātura Ngā 150.821, at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand
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Massey University
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Te Pākehā GOD incorporates research into the wairua of Māori. How did Māori traditional wairua change from the Christian missionaries? The killings at Rangiaowhia 24 years after the Tiriti of Waitangi was signed led to Kereopa Te Rau abandoning the Christian faith. UTU resulted in the murder of Captain Lloyd and his men in Taranaki and the death of Volkner. Māori wairua challenged Te Pākehā GOD. Kaumātua and tamariki were burnt in the Māori Church. Rise of Māori prophets led to the acceptance of Christianity by Rātana. Was Te Pākehā GOD of love or the path of the devil of greed for Māori whenua? The aim is to investigate these influences of Te Pākehā GOD through the missionaries upon Māori wairuatanga. The intention is to raise awareness of the wairua relationship between Pākehā and Māori, uncovering the truth of kōtahitanga wairua. Interviews with kaumātua, rangitira, tōhunga, spiritual leaders, academics and authorities will be presented in a documentary. The aim is to nurture wairua to create a unique visual of light and sound to accentuate the korero. To bring a taonga never seen before for Ngāti Kauwhata, Ngāti Kahungunu and Ngāti Apakura iwi. Artistic intention employs nature phenomena, painting in light with moving pictures and sound from a Māori worldview. Strict criteria of kawa, tikangā and a code of ethics will protect the interviewees and the interview.
Māori Masters Thesis