Railways and settlement : a study of the nature of the relationship between railways and settlement in the Manawatu and district between 1871 and 1971 : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Geography at Massey University

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Massey University
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The source material used in this thesis is of two types; primary and secondary. The primary material includes official government publications such as the Appendices to the Journel of the House of Representatives, particularly the Public Works and Railway Statements, the New Zealand Gazette, Statutes of the Colony of New Zealand, Census Publications and the Official Yearbook. The Annual Reports of the Wellington and Manawatu Railway Company, held at Alexander Turnbull Library provided much valuable information while additional material was obtained from National Archives, the Department of Lands and Survey, New Zealand Railways and Palmerston North Public Library. I wish to thank all those who assisted me in the preparation of this thesis, particularly: - The Alexander Turnbull Library and the Palmerston North Public Library for permission to reproduce photographs - Mr T.J. Lovell-Smith from National Archives - New Zealand Railways and the Department of Lands and Survey - Mrs Colleen Tester and Mrs Lynette Toms for typing the manuscript - The Geography Department, Massey University and in particular, Mr E.C.R. warr who willingly gave his time and his advice.
New Zealand, Manawatu, Railroads, Land settlement, Economic conditions, History