Advances in classical and quantum wave dynamics on quasiperiodic lattices : a dissertation submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Physics, Centre for Theoretical Chemistry and Physics, New Zealand Institute for Advanced Study, Massey University, Albany, New Zealand

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Lattices and discrete networks are cornerstones of a number of scientific subjects. In condensed matter, optical lattices allowed the experimental realization of several theoretically predicted phenomena. Indeed, these structures constitute ideal benchmarks for light and wave propagation experiments involving interacting particles, such as clouds of ultra-cold atoms that Bose-Einstein condensate. Moreover, they allow experimental design of particular lattice topologies, as well as the implementation of several classes of spatial perturbations. For example, Anderson localization being observed for the first time in atomic Bose-Einstein condensate experiments and Aubry-André localization discovered with light propagating through networks of optical waveguide. This thesis considers different types of lattices in the presence of quasiperiodic modulations, mainly the celebrated Aubry-André potential. Particular attention will be given to spectral properties of models, localization features of eigenmodes and the transition from delocalized (metallic) eigenstates to localized (insulating) ones within the energy spectrum. We additionally discuss the relation between the model’s properties and the dynamics of particles hopping along the lattice. After introducing the linear discrete Schrödinger equation, we first discuss the spectral properties of the Aubry-André model. We then study the transition between metallic and insulating regimes of a class of quasiperiodic potentials constructed as an iterative superposition of periodic potentials with increasing spatial period. Next, we discuss the Aubry-André perturbation of flat-band topologies, their energy-dependent transition (mobility edge), which can be expressed in analytical forms in case of specific onsite energy correlations, highlighting existence of zeroes, singularities and divergences. We then discuss two cases of driven one-dimensional lattices, namely an Aubry-André chain with a weak time-space periodic driving and an Anderson chain with a quasiperiodic multi-frequency driving. We show anaytically and numerically how drivings can lift the respective localization and generate delocalization by design. Finally we discuss the problem of the possible generation of correlated metallic states of two interacting particles problem in one dimensional Aubry-André chains, under a coherent drive of the interaction.
Wave mechanics, Lattice theory, Quantum theory, Research Subject Categories::NATURAL SCIENCES::Physics