A comparative study of Massey University Centre for University Extramural Studies (CUES) and the University of Zambia Centre for Continuing Education, Department of Correspondence Studies : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Education at Massey University

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Massey University
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Because the future of developing countries, to a greater extent, depends and will continue to depend, on the provision of higher educational opportunities, the present thesis aims at elucidating the characteristics of a general distance education model, which will, hopefully, assist the reader to comprehend more fully the two distance education systems discussed - one in a developed and the other in a developing country. The main aim of this thesis is to bring to light what distance education at tertiary level can do in the provision of manpower requirements and this point is largely addressed to educationist in developing countries who may already be in distance education or are contemplating to set up a distance education scheme at tertiary level. It is the belief of the author that the provision of higher education through correspondence is an endeavour by universities and colleges to make opportunity of access much wider and not just for more young students but for a wider range of age in society and thereby provide (not all) the manpower that our present sophisticated economies need. If these universities and colleges disperse their activities, it is imperative that they do it effectively and efficiently.
Massey University, Adult education, Centre for University Extramural Studies, Centre for Continuing Education, Continuing education centers, University of Zambia