Rethinking clamshell packaging : an exploration of packaging design for the kiwiberry industry : an exegesis presented in partial fullfullment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Design, Massey University, College of Creative Arts, Wellington, New Zealand

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Massey University
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This project explores how designers can contribute to New Zealand’s food industries by devising creative packaging solutions which enhance the consumer experience and add value to the products . It focuses on the values that packaging design can bring to the kiwiberry industry and the Asian market. The kiwiberry, of which New Zealand is a major supplier, is a delicate, seasonal fruit with a high cost of production. Multidisciplinary connections between the Massey Institute of Food Science and Technology, Massey University School of Design, and kiwifruit industry partners Zespri and Freshmax were key to gaining insight into the packaging design opportunities for the kiwiberry. The investigation included research trips to Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong which were critical to gaining personal insight into the culture, consumer trends, supply chains and retail environments in these markets. These trips highlight the importance of fruit presentation in the Asian market as well as reassurances of food safety and authenticity. They also show that new technologies throughout the fruit supply chain are creating opportunities to develop smarter and more engaging packaging formats. Using these industry and market insights, I seek to generate and create designs which acknowledge current packaging technologies, but also speculate as to where the future of fresh fruit packaging could go. The outcome I conceive is a packaging design concept that addresses the technical needs of the fruit industry while putting a greater emphasis on the consumer experience.
Packaging, Design, Berries, Fruit, Asia, Marketing