A preliminary economic survey of the citrus industry in New Zealand, by "Cliff" : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Science at Massey University

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Massey University
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This survey was undertaken primarily because it was considered that some comprehensive survey was a necessary preliminary to any sound advancement in the citrus industry in New Zealand. Of necessity it has been subject to limitations of time and of means to collect all the data which would have been desirable; many of the data are not yet available or are of a confidential nature while many of the "facts" frequently quoted with regard to the industry are little more than assumptions - an unsafe foundation for the sound development of the industry. The survey is therefore tendered, not as the last word with respect to the aspects of the industry discussed, but rather as a partial collection of such information as is at present available, presented. in fairly logical sequence, and with some attempt to give a balanced and comprehensive, if somewhat sketchy outline of the industry in its various phases. Much information, of a detailed nature, dealing with particular phases of the industry was, of necessity, excluded in order to preserve the balance of the whole, while owing to the limitations of time and finance it has not been possible to check as carefully as would have been wished, the tables and statistical analyses. There are doubtless minor errors in computation in some of the table and some errors in the typing which have escaped detection but it is hoped that these omissions will not be regarded too critically. [From Foreword]
"Cliff" is the nom de plume of William Maxwell Hamilton
Best copy available due to the condition of the pages. Some graphs can be viewed in the print copy held in the library.
Best copy available due to the condition of the pages. Some graphs can be viewed in the print copy held in the library.
New Zealand Citrus fruit industry