He pao mō te kāenga : he rautaki e ū ai te reo o Ngāti Porou ki te tamaiti : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Arts in Māori Knowledge

dc.contributor.authorKupenga-Keefe, Hinemaia
dc.description.abstractKo te pūtake o te rangahau nei nā taku tamaiti, i runga i te whakaaro nui ki a ia me tōna reo Māori, tōna reo Ngāti Porou, me pēhea hoki taku tautoko i a ia ki te ako i tōna reo. I runga i tēnā, ka toko ake te pātai me pēhea e ū ai te reo ake o Ngāti Porou i te kāenga ki te tamaiti? Ko te whāinga kia whai rautaki e ngākaunui ai te tamaiti. I tahuri ake ki te arotake i ngā kōrero, i ngā pānui kia pūrangiaho te kite i taku huarahi koke whakamua. I te mutunga iho, ka tau ki te ngākau te kaupapa o te pao. Ka tito pao kikī ana i ngā kupu o Ngāti Porou ake, nō ngā mōteatea, nō ngā waiata me ngā kōrero o ngā tīpuna. Ko ngā tikanga o te kaupapa Māori ka ārahi i tēnei rangahau. Mutu ana te tito pao, ka whakarite ka pēhea te noho o ngā pao ki roto i ngā kāenga, ā, mā wai ngā pao e whāngai atu ki ngā tamariki. I konei ka puta ake te whakaaro kia waihanga pānui whakaāhua, kia rikoata hoki i ngā pao nei kia ngāwari te whakarongo atu mā ngā whānau. Ko te wawata ia kia ako te tamaiti i a ia e whakarongo ana ki ngā pao. E rua pea ngā painga matua i hua ake i ēnei mahi, tuatahi he akoranga kei roto mā ngā tamariki, tuarua ehara i te mea mā ngā tamariki anake te rauemi nei, engari mā ngā mātua, mā te whānau katoa. Kāti rā, hui katoa ngā hua ko te whakautu i puta mai me pēhea e ū ai te reo ake o Ngāti Porou i te kāenga ki te tamaiti? Me rite ki tā te tamaiti rite i ngākaunui ai.en
dc.publisherMassey Universityen
dc.rightsThe Authoren
dc.subject.anzsrc450707 Te ahurea Māori (Māori culture)en
dc.titleHe pao mō te kāenga : he rautaki e ū ai te reo o Ngāti Porou ki te tamaiti : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Arts in Māori Knowledgeen
massey.contributor.authorKupenga-Keefe, Hinemaia
thesis.degree.disciplineMāori Knowledgeen
thesis.degree.nameMaster of Arts (MA)en
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