Authors’ Reply to Letter to the Editor: Continued improvement to genetic diversity indicator for CBD

Laikre L, Hohenlohe PA, Allendorf FW, Bertola LD, Breed MF, Bruford MW, Funk WC, Gajardo G, González-Rodríguez A, Grueber CE, Hedrick PW, Heuertz M, Hunter ME, Johannesson K, Liggins L, MacDonald AJ, Mergeay J, Moharrek F, O’Brien D, Ogden R, Orozco-terWengel P, Palma-Silva C, Pierson J, Paz-Vinas I, Russo IRM, Ryman N, Segelbacher G, Sjögren-Gulve P, Waits LP, Vernesi C, Hoban S. (2021). Authors’ Reply to Letter to the Editor: Continued improvement to genetic diversity indicator for CBD. Conservation Genetics. 22. 4. (pp. 533-536).