Can Psychopathy Be Adaptive at Work? Development and Application of a Work Focused Self- and Other-Report Measure of the Triarchic Psychopathy Model

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MDPI (Basel, Switzerland)
(c) 2020 The Author/s
Psychopathy may have both adaptive and maladaptive effects at work but research into workplace psychopathy is constrained by the lack of short, work-relevant measures that can be used for both self- and other-report. We adapt the Triarchic Psychopathy Measure (TriPM) for this purpose and distinguish the (mal)adaptive effects of psychopathy at work in two time-lagged survey samples. Sample 1 consisted of managers reporting their psychopathic traits and work outcomes (well-being, engagement, burnout and job performance). Sample 2 reported on their managers’ psychopathic traits and leadership styles (servant and abusive supervision) and their own work outcomes. The TriPM (Work) is a reliable, valid, 21-item measure of triarchic psychopathy at work with self- and other-report forms. Using this measure, we demonstrate that the triarchic model’s boldness trait is related to servant leadership and predicts improved well-being and performance while meanness and disinhibition are related to abusive supervision and predict increased burnout.
JD-R, leadership, psychopathy, triarchic model, wellbeing, Antisocial Personality Disorder, Humans, Problem Behavior, Reproducibility of Results, Surveys and Questionnaires, Workplace
Sutton A, Roche M, Stapleton M, Roemer A. (2020). Can Psychopathy Be Adaptive at Work? Development and Application of a Work Focused Self-and Other-Report Measure of the Triarchic Psychopathy Model.. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 17. 11. (pp. E3938-).