Work education and educational developments around sustainable livelihoods for sustainable career development and well-being
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SAGE Publications for the Australian Council for Educational Research
© Australian Council for Educational Research 2024
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Covid-19, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Climate Change, have disrupted work education, rendering sustainability of careers and livelihoods a concern. This paper outlines a collaborative response to that challenge, offering opportunities for sustainable livelihoods in a work education cloud collaboration, Project SLiC (Sustainable Livelihoods Collaboration). We have joined forces across nation states in the Global South/North to share cloud resources, focused on teaching a postgraduate course, Sustainable Livelihoods. Online modules are stored in a secure cloud site, from which local courses draw-down, autochthonously, whichever resources fit workforce development in context. We outline modules, and an evaluative process, in a proof-of-concept trial. Finally, we envisage how this initial collaboration may morph into a whole degree, including research supervision. We close with a call to career development professionals to share their unique expertise and experiences at the work education frontline, on how to develop this sustainable careers project, for the greater good.
Sustainable livelihoods, cloud work education, international collaboration, interdisciplinary sustainability science education, UNESCO
Caringal-Go JF, Carr SC, Hodgetts DJ, Intraprasert DY, Maleka M, McWha-Hermann I, Meyer I, Mohan KP, Nguyen MH, Noklang S, Pham VT, Prakongpan P, Poonpol P, Potgieter J, Searle R, Teng-Calleja M. (2024). Work education and educational developments around sustainable livelihoods for sustainable career development and well-being. Australian Journal of Career Development. 33. 3. (pp. 212-220).