Research Reports

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    Children's voices in the Family Court : a document analysis of Judges' decisions : a thesis report presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Social Policy at Massey University, Manawatu, Aotearoa
    (Massey University, 2020) Norris, Catherine Mary
    Family court decisions have a long-term effect on children’s lives. Research has found that children’s wellbeing is enhanced when they are involved in family law decision-making. Having the opportunity to express their views is a protective factor and provides a sense of empowerment, leading to improved outcomes. Children’s participation in Family Court proceedings in Aotearoa is legislated for through section 6 of the Care of Children Act, 2004. Section 6 provides for their voices to be heard and their views to be taken into account. This research, located in a qualitative approach, explored the significance of children’s voices in Family Court proceedings in Aotearoa as documented in seven Family Court decisions from 2016 to 2019. The research found that judges regarded ascertaining a child’s views as taking account of them. A further finding was that a child’s age and the Judge’s perception of their maturity were determining factors in whether judges considered children’s views. Additionally, a range of practices, including prioritising the child’s best interests principles over the child’s voice, acted as barriers to children’s participation. This research recommends further large-scale research to ascertain whether section 6 of the Care of Children Act is being consistently and adequately applied. Recommendations for better practice include: mandatory and formulaic reporting of the process undertaken when accounting for children’s views within decisions; robust and external accountability that includes comparing files against decisions to ensure that children’s voices are being heard and accounted for as intended; the best interests principles contained within section 5 of the Care of Children Act extended to include hearing the views of children subject to proceedings and the views of young children being ascertained through specialist interviewers including and increasing visibility of children’s voices in Family Court proceedings.
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    ‘Nobody in the Air Force had any idea’ : understanding the origins and the early development of the aircraft collection of the Air Force Museum of New Zealand : a research report presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Museum Studies at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand
    (Massey University, 2023) Moremon, John
    The Air Force Museum of Zealand was opened on 1 April 1987, originally as the Royal New Zealand Air Force Museum. This research report is a historical study of the museum’s early development. It identifies early thwarted attempts by members of the Air Force to establish a historical collection and then traces the decade-long Air Force project that resulted in the first the establishment of a RNZAF Historical Centre and finally the opening of the RNZAF Museum on the fiftieth anniversary of the Air Force’s creation. As the museum project was implemented only in the late 1970s, the RNZAF missed opportunities to ensure the preservation of certain historic aircraft and other relics. As a consequence, museum collecting and exhibition policies (particularly around aircraft) were shaped in large measure by a need to plug perceived gaps in the historical collection, particularly in relation to World War II and the early Cold War periods, with at times less emphasis placed on the provenance of airframes. This was in line with the approaches taken by several air force museums worldwide in this same period. While the late development of the museum required some compromises, the establishment of the RNZAF Museum must nevertheless be recognised as an achievement by dedicated and enthusiastic service members who possessed no prior experience of museum development.
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    Women's empowerment : a case study on the Female Community Health Volunteer programme in Balkumari, Nepal : a research project presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Masters in International Development, Massey University, New Zealand
    (Massey University, 2023) Thompson, Francesca
    The Female Community Health Volunteer (FCHV) Programme in Nepal is considered the backbone of the national health system. With over 52,000 female volunteers trained across the country, they have gained the ability to provide intimate support to mothers and young children, acting as the interface between community and national health (MoHP, 2014, p. 23). As Nepal is a patriarchal nation, women’s and children’s health can often be not prioritised or dismissed. Prioritising women’s health is linked with women’s empowerment and a step towards addressing poverty. This study focuses on one NGO, the FCHV Programme that works towards women’s health, and aims at understanding in what areas the programme actively works towards women’s empowerment. The FCHV programme operates with female volunteers, whose responsibility is working with women that need health support. This study is framed within a gender and development context. It utilises a qualitative methodology and an empowerment framework to explore how the FCHV programme operates within a local Nepalese context, and in what ways the programme includes empowerment of women. The primary research method applied were semi-structured interviews throughout the seven-weeks of fieldwork in the village of Balkumari in Bardiya District. This study found that despite a lack of financial remuneration, the female volunteers in Balkumari have had some empowering experiences through the education they received. By sharing their education within the community, other women also benefited. In the process, the women experienced increased self-esteem and social status.
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    The effects of COVID-19 on ni-Vanuatu workers in New Zealand’s Recognised Seasonal Employer scheme : a research report presented in partial fulfilment of requirements for the degree of Master of International Development at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand
    (Massey University, 2023) Tonkin, Cameron
    On March 11, 2020, the United Nations World Health Organisation declared the COVID-19 virus a global pandemic, initiating widespread government-imposed restrictions affecting peoples’ mobility, social engagement and livelihoods (United Nations, 2020). The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted global structural inequalities and recognised the importance of migrant workers in their contributions to the global economy (International Labour Organisation, 2021). This context has placed increased recognition on the temporary migration policies that facilitate mobility and their evolution over time (International Labour Organisation, 2021). For temporary workers, participation under these policies had placed restrictions on their already limited social integration and has had an undeniable restrain on their labour rights (Rosewarne, 2010). Temporary workers are often not eligible to access the social and economic safety nets provided to national residents, which has exacerbated their vulnerability from the impacts of the pandemic (Mukumbang, 2021). This study aims to explore how ni-Vanuatu participants in the New Zealand’s Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) scheme have exercised agency during the pandemic. This research has focused on workers in Te Puke, New Zealand. The exploration of their lived experiences is harnessed through a qualitative approach and methods that have facilitated discussion in semi-structured interviews along with personal observations and reflections. The research findings demonstrate RSE scheme stakeholders consisting of RSE employers, local community organisations and respective national governments have made concerted efforts at the initial stages of the pandemic to engage RSE participants and provide the means to sustain themselves. However, as the pandemic had continued, ni-Vanuatu workers shifted their focus towards personal responsibility to supporting themselves and helping other workers. This research shows that even in the most restrictive environments, ni-Vanuatu RSE scheme participants as individuals are conscious and capable of making decisions for themselves. Contributions of this research could be reflected in the design and implementation of the RSE scheme post-pandemic to allow participants to define their needs and promote a better understanding of their experiences.
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    Evaluating the accessibility and inclusiveness of community playgrounds for disabled children in Australia : a research report presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Construction in Sustainable Built Environment, School of Built Environment, Massey University, New Zealand
    (Massey University, 2023) Glass, Courtney
    Play is a significant contributor to the social, physical, emotional, and cognitive development of children. Play is so vital to the wellbeing of children that it is recognised by the United Nations as a fundamental right of childhood. Children with disabilities however, encounter difficulty in realising their right to play. For children with disabilities, playgrounds can perpetuate exclusion and not be places of fun. The existence of barriers to participate in play for children with disabilities is contrary to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which recognises that children with disabilities should have equal accesses to participate in play. For children with disabilities an accessible playground provides an environment where there are no physical or environmental barriers to movement, access, and participation. An inclusive playground, however, not only provides an accessible environment, but also allows children regardless of ability to participate equally in play and social experiences without barriers. Physical and social participation is the ultimate goal of an inclusive playground . . . A literature review was conducted to consider what previous evaluations or on-site auditing has been undertaken to evaluate the accessibility and inclusiveness of community playgrounds for disabled children. Upon completion of the literature review, using the New South Wales Government’s Everyone Can Play: Playspace Evaluation Checklist, the accessibility and inclusiveness of community playgrounds for disabled children was assessed at 25 community playgrounds located in the states of Victoria and New South Wales, Australia. The results were used to rank the audited community playgrounds in order of highest overall score to lowest overall score, and to provide a summary of the playgrounds accessible and inclusive features. The results demonstrate a potential relationship between the construction date of the playground and the accessibility and inclusiveness of the playground for disabled children. The older the playground is, the less likely it is to offer an accessible and inclusive environment for disabled children. Playgrounds located in New South Wales were more likely to offer an accessible and inclusive environment for disabled children compared to playgrounds located in Victoria. The findings also indicate that destination playgrounds are likely to feature more accessible and inclusive elements than neighbourhood playgrounds. When comparing the overall amenities scores of destination and neighbourhood playgrounds, destination playgrounds scored higher overall. The results indicate that there is limited correlation between accessible and inclusive playgrounds in areas of socio-economic advantage or disadvantage. Additionally, wayfinding, layout and signage was found to be a significant opportunity for improvement to the accessibility and inclusiveness of community playgrounds for disabled children.
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    Accessibility of the built environment for vulnerable populations : a research report presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Construction in Quantity Surveying, School of Built Environment, Massey University, New Zealand
    (Massey University, 2023) Li, Dongdong
    The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities states that the disabled have equal rights with other members of society to access the Built Environment (BE). Lots of accessibility legislation has been enacted all over the world to protect the rights of disabilities. But, what about the actual accessibility legislation compliance? It is important to evaluate to what extent the existing buildings have complied with the mandatory legislation, and how far the BE has met the needs of disabled groups to guarantee their equal human rights. This research focuses on manual wheelchair (MWC) users and BE accessibility in New Zealand. There are about 65 million people worldwide who rely on a wheelchair in their daily lives, MWC users make up around 85% of all wheelchair users. And this number is growing. This study will significantly benefit this large amount of population. It will help people more deeply understand their expectations and boost the public to improve BE accessibility and protect MWC users’ rights on the ground . . . A systematic literature review was conducted, and a research gap was identified: there isn’t a study to assess the accessibility legislation compliance of public buildings in NZ, and how well the current BE in NZ meets the MWC users’ needs. To fill this gap, an experiment of 10 case shops in NZ was conducted by measuring their practical dimensions of accessible features and comparing them with the NZ mandatory legislation. The compliance percentages were calculated by shop, by feature, and by sub-item of features. The experiment results were then compared with the findings of the literature review . . . This research will help the public better understand the practical accessibility policies implementation, the main challenges faced by MWC users, underlying causes of poor BE accessibility, and potential ways to improve the situation; it will encourage the government and the public in NZ to remove the existing barriers, address the underlying problems and finally provide an accessible BE for MWC users and protect their equal rights in practice. Other researchers can also use the data of this research, and conduct further investigations based on the findings of this study.
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    Partnership, participation, and protection : reflections on collection management practices at the National Museum of the Royal New Zealand Navy : a research report presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Museum Studies at Massey University, Manawatū, New Zealand
    (Massey University, 2022) Ennen, Caroline Patricia
    This report examines how the National Museum of the Royal New Zealand Navy (NMRNZN, Navy Museum) can ethically and respectfully incorporate te reo Māori into collection management processes, thereby making the collection more meaningful. Taking inspiration from te Tiriti o Waitangi / The Treaty of Waitangi, and the Royal New Zealand Navy’s (RNZN) Bicultural Policy, the Collections Department can develop processes to respond to the Museum’s unique social environment. Two significant events led to this research report; the first, installation of new art storage which started conversations about how management of that department could be improved. At a similar time, the RNZN Royal Guard of Honour received their orders in te reo Māori at the 2021 Waitangi Day commemorations for the first time. This highly significant event was the inspiration behind this research report with the aim of learning how we can use the principles of partnership, participation, and protection, to make the collection meaningful to RNZN personnel (Māori, Pākehā, and tauiwi) and their whānau. This research report uses the art of official RNZN artist, Colin Wynn as an example. To highlight the shortfalls in current collection management processes, early collection management systems have been analysed. These have then been compared to current museological literature which offers recommendations for institutions wishing to build or strengthen their bicultural practices and honour the principle of partnership as set down in te Tiriti o Waitangi. The link between Navy Museum practice and RNZN practice has been illustrated through a case study that looks at the experiences of personnel involved with the Royal Guard of Honour at Waitangi, and through a process of interviews, asks them the significance of using te reo Māori during a military ceremony with strong links to Aotearoa New Zealand’s colonial past. The research revealed that the Navy Museum has a lot of work to do to build meaningful partnerships with Māori service personnel. It was shown that the Navy Museum in partnership with, and with guidance from, Māori RNZN personnel, should be collecting and storing intangible knowledge associated with each piece of art. It is the kōrero and personal reminiscences of RNZN personnel that will give meaning to the Navy Museum collection.
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    From lodgement to cover: a qualitative inquiry into the steps and factors that lead to cover decision for a leptospirosis claim in New Zealand : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master in Veterinary Studies, Massey University, New Zealand
    (Massey University, 2019) Uy, Abbie Stephanie S.
    Leptospirosis is an occupational hazard for people working with animals, and while occupationally-acquired leptospirosis is a compensable condition, the mechanics of the compensation process are not well understood by patients. In addition, much of the crucial decisions affecting the claim outcome are made by treatment providers and insurance claim assessors largely outside of the patient’s purview. This lack of understanding adds to the disease burden experienced by patients. This study was therefore designed to improve the understanding of the compensation process for leptospirosis, by first establishing what are the bases of a claim, and second, investigating how treatment providers and insurance claim assessors evaluate a case or claim. A qualitative approach was utilised in this study. Government reports and publications were analysed in order to determine the formal procedure and requirements of the process, while interviews with treatment providers and insurance claim assessors revealed how the actual process plays out in real life. The results showed that a claim is assessed against two main requirements: having a confirmed diagnosis and having an appropriate exposure. A claim must have sufficient information to support both of these requirements. The criteria for the exposure are set in legislation, but the diagnostic criteria may vary depending on which case definition is used. The results from the study showed that the assessment may be affected by factors like physician experience, laboratory test preference, and patient and employer compliance.
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    E Hāpai Ana i ā Mātou Uara mā roto i Te Mana Whakahaere Raraunga hei Whakapūmau i te Mana Motuhake = Utilising our values through Te Mana Whakahaere Raraunga to enact Māori data sovereignty : a research report presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Health Science (Māori Health) at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand
    (Massey University, 2022) Te Whata, Felicity Jayne
    Whānau Ora has evolved from a policy position to a practice that provides pathways for whānau to achieve their own moemoeā. Across multiple projects and programmes Te Tihi o Ruahine Whānau Ora Alliance (Te Tihi) capture large amounts of whānau data. As kaitiaki within our data environment, it is crucial that we ensure the understanding of Māori data sovereignty, actualise it into usable tools, maintain a strength-based approach to data analysis, and implement robust security protocols. Additionally, maintaining the rights of whānau (those whom the data is about) regarding use, access, and dissemination is essential to Māori data sovereignty. This research project seeks to understand Māori data sovereignty through the experience of a Whānau Ora provider by exploring the development of our data governance and management framework, Te Mana Whakahaere Raraunga, and its impact within Te Tihi as well as the wider mahi we engage with. Interviews from key informants who hold expertise in the unique knowledge of Te Tihi and/or Māori data sovereignty were thematically analysed with a deductive approach based on our organisation’s values. The key findings of this research will be illustrated by examples of Māori data sovereignty such as within Kāinga Whānau Ora and Āta - our (data and communications) COVID-19 response, demonstrating how Te Mana Whakahaere Raraunga assists Te Tihi in upholding our organisational values that support our hapori and whānau.
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    What health and safety and wellbeing issues currently confront professionals working in the building industry that undertake roles in certifying projects : a research report presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Construction in Construction Law, School of Built Environment, Massey University, New Zealand
    (Massey University, 2022) Chen, Zhimei Cara
    This research project aims to investigate what are the health and safety and wellbeing issues currently confronting Building Professionals, and what support they received from their organisation. The World Health Organisation defines that health and safety covered three areas: physical health, mental health, and social wellbeing. Occupation health and safety issues are caused by work activities and the working environment (Gardiner et al., 2022). Also, workplace wellbeing is relative to an organisation policy and work environment (WellBQ | NIOSH | CDC, 2022). Building Professionals in this research are defined as “professionals certifying building work under the Building Act 2004, such as a building consent officer, building inspector, code compliance certificate officer etc.” Building Professionals play an important role in the building industry, as they get involved in every stage of a building project. However, in New Zealand, a Building Professional’s health and safety and wellbeing are barely considered. Under the Building Act 2004, Building Professionals certifying a building project, must decide within a defined tight timeframe, and their reasons must be recorded. Also, Building Professionals must have competence which needs to be annually assessed. This review and often training must be recorded. Any work that Building Professionals do as defined under the Building Act might be reviewed by an external auditor or reviewed as part of a dispute. Most Building Professionals work in office-based roles, and usually in the public sector such as local Council. A Geek study by Nasios (2021) showed that public sector worker’s occupational health issues come from work-related stress and musculoskeletal disorders. As most Building Professionals work in the office, resulting in long sitting times, called sedentary behaviour. Sedentary behaviour can directly cause musculoskeletal discomfort, also it can cause mental health issues and increase the risk of some chronic disease (Ma et al., 2017; Leitzmann et al., 2018; Kett & Sichting, 2020). Occupational stress can also be caused by varied hours of work, workload and wages, resulting in physical and mental health and wellbeing issues (George et al., 2021; Qiu et al., 2022). There are some international studies that have showed that adequate ethical policies for the workplace can reduce a worker’s sedentary behaviour and occupational stress. Leadership, communication methods, and social responsibility are all contribute (Maphong et al., 2022; Schwepker Jr et al., 2021; Wang et al., 2020; Maartje et al., 2020). In New Zealand, legislation and government agencies have limited information about Building Professionals health and safety and wellbeing issues. This gap was confirmed in the literature review. The research methodology was to adopt a survey questionnaire. The design of these questions were based on the literature review, and focused on finding what health and safety and wellbeing issues Building Professionals are currently facing at work. There are 3 parts in the survey: Part 1, personal characteristics, to identify if age, gender, or role can affect their occupational health. Next, part 2, health and safety and wellbeing questions, to identify if total working and leisure hours affect professional’s physical and / or mental health. Finally, part 3, open-ended questions, to identify what wellbeing support professional received from organisation, and to collect the recommendations from Building Professionals about how to improve their health and safety and wellbeing. This survey was collected in Christchurch City Council Building Consent Unit. This research has completed a peer review, and Massey University Human Ethics Committee has identified this research as low risk. 63 Building Professionals participated in this research, and all valid surveys were collected by face-to-face interviews. 57% of the participants were in technical roles; most were aged were between 31-60 years old; male participants were slightly more than female participants in number. The survey showed that Building Professionals in a management role had more working and leisure hours. 48% of Building Professionals had physical health issues, and 75% had mental health issues. Also, Building Professionals in supporting and technical roles had higher mental issues than those in management roles. Female Building Professionals had higher mental issues than male ones. Almost half of those surveyed experienced muscular tension. About 30% suffered one or more of the following symptoms from work: headaches, anxiety, sleeping difficulty, work and / or private life distraction. 100% of the management roles surveyed agreed that they received adequate support from their employer, while 58% non-management roles agreed. Some Building Professionals indicated that their employer provided a supporting work environment, also they received flexible work agreements and employee assistance. More than half of those surveyed suggested that to improve their organisation’s policy, also they suggested that pay increases and office furniture updates would have the potential to improve their occupational health. This research found that over 80% of Building Professionals have mental and / or physical health issues at work, especially mental health ones. This research found that the organisation provided some support for the employee to improve their occupational mental and physical health wellbeing, such as flexible work agreements and employee assistance. However, there is a significant gap about the satisfaction rate between management and non-management roles, about the support they received, which indicated that there is lack of communication between managers and team players. This research also found that lower income roles have lesser leisure time and higher mental health issues, which is match with the literature review. To improve the Building Professional’s occupational health and safety and wellbeing, the employer should enhance their organisation policy, that should include key things like fair pay and improve communication methods. The government could also review and enhance the current Health and Safety at Work Act, by providing some standards or framework around improving a sustainable and acceptable health and safety and wellbeing work environment.